View Full Version : Vitamins - How important are they and whats for me?

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01-13-2005, 08:14 PM
Evening All,

Well, after just discussing this subject a lot with my parents, they expressed their concern about how important vitamins are. I have always ate reasonably healthy all of my life (no chips or soda really, always wheat everything, lots of water, etc) and never saw a need for a vitamin. I know I don`t get the daily `requirements` of certain food groups each day, but it`s tough as probably all of you understand, being busy with normal life.

We got on the topic of vitamins tonight and they both went into depth about some people just need supplements but mainly because they don`t get all of the nutrients and vitamins they need each day from eating. They also expressed how huge a difference a multi-vitamin has made on their everyday life...For instance, they`re sick much less, generally have more energy, sleep better at night, and so on.

My question is, what`s right for me? I`m 21, VERY RARELY get sick, and I`m in pretty good shape. Is a multi-vitamin sufficient to my everyday health or should I venture in deeper?

Any information you can give or direct me to is greatly appreciated.

01-13-2005, 08:35 PM
Thats quite impressive that you eat so healthy as a college student. I don`t dorm so I really don`t have that problem but I`m definately guilty of fast food. MY OPINION is if you`ve been pretty healthy I really wouldn`t sweat it. If you eat balanced and a variety of foods; vegetables, fruits, etc, etc. I really don`t see a need for you to take multi-vitamins. I`m no RD, and can`t really remember what I learned in Nutrition freshman year. I still have my book maybe i`ll take a look at that. If you look up information online make sure its from a source that has the right credientals. Thats one thing I remember from nutrition ;) . I was just thinking about taking suppliments earlier this week, hopefully I`ll remember to pick up some Flintstone`s MVIs ;)

Scott P
01-13-2005, 09:17 PM
I`m not a doctor, scientist, nutritionist or dietition, nor do I play any of those roles on TV. But, I take vitamins daily. I use the GNC Mega Men. It fits in with Mega-Plush towels.

In cold season, I take the daily recommendation of two pills. The rest of the year, I take one pill in the morning. I eat pretty stinking well, so I know I get plenty of my daily requirements. I play hockey twice a week, ride my bike a bit in the summer and and running around with this wacky business venture of mine. I need all the help I can get. :D

Antonio Waxer
01-13-2005, 10:23 PM
I would consult your doctor ...you may need it or you may not...blood work and your doctors advice would be the best call

01-13-2005, 10:31 PM
From all that I have read and the people that I talk to who partake in the same activities that I do vitamin supplementation is necesary. I do eat healthy throughout the day, typically 5 or 6 small evenly balanced meals predominantly of healthy carbs and protein, totaling about 2200 cals, I drink only fruit juice, tea, and water. I take the same GNC MegaMen vitamin as SocttP, but take it morning and afternoon. I guess taking one is plenty sufficient and more than what most people to. The extra cals and vitamins are only because they are expended due a 4-1 lifting split and I started training for a half-ironman next March (14 months from now). My parents always drilled being healthy into my life and it seems to pay off in terms of immune response and overall health, knock on wood.

01-13-2005, 11:11 PM
I`ll have to second asking the doctor what`s best. Back when I was into lifting I took GNC Mega Men twice a day, mainly because I was taking in so much protein so I wanted to be sure I had the right stuff inside me to get that protein put to use. Now I take a Centrum multi-vitamin on occasion, but if you eat a good balance of meats, vegetables, and grains then you`ll do fine without them. I actually read in Men`s Health that Centrum Silver is a pretty decent vitamin supplement and it costs about $10 less than the GNC stuff.

01-14-2005, 01:38 AM
I read that also about the Centrum however it lacks the amino acid profile that MegaMan contains and if you get a GNC GoldCard (which are free) and use it on the specified sale days you can by them in bulk for like 70% off.

01-14-2005, 02:29 AM
i have been on ULTRA VITA MAN from vitamin world,for quite a long time. i believe it keep`s me in top shape. busy life,odd work hours etc... i rearly even get a cold. it must be doing something good! product # 3895. www.vitaminworld.com a bit pricey,but they always have sales first of each month at their store`s.

coogie mahn
01-14-2005, 09:08 AM
Everyone is different. I would echo the statements made about seeing a doctor and maybe getting a physicall.If you would like to find out more, get blood work done. Why take anything if you don`t have too. Also you`re family`s history in regards to health is a contributing factor, sometimes we`re pre-disposed buy our mothers and fathers background. Hope that helps a little.

Scott P
01-14-2005, 09:21 AM
I read that also about the Centrum however it lacks the amino acid profile that MegaMan contains and if you get a GNC GoldCard (which are free) and use it on the specified sale days you can by them in bulk for like 70% off.

GNC Gold Cards have a $15 or $20 yearly fee. :(

01-14-2005, 01:36 PM
No kidding?? A friend of mine told me they were free and gave me the little card that attaches to your keys while he kept the credit card sized one. Its surprusing that they carry an annual fee cause he is really cheap.

Scott P
01-14-2005, 02:23 PM
I just checked, they sell for $15 per year.

01-14-2005, 04:39 PM
For you to get your daily requirements of all of the nutrients that your body needs you would need to eat a tremendous amount of quality foods. Even if you do eat all healthy food your always going to be missing something. A multi-vitamin is a great way to supplement what your unable to get in your daily diet. I think everyone could benefit from a multi-vitamin. There are many quality products out there (Solgar, GNC, AST MultiPro, Animal Pak, NOW, Beverly, Optimum, etc.) They all offer various variety of multi`s to meet your needs. I tend to lean towards GNC because of availability.

01-14-2005, 04:57 PM
I also take ULTRA VITA MAN from Vitaminworld. I have taken them for 2 or so years. I think they work. As a matter of fact I ran out a year ago and wen 3 weeks without and felt like crap and got sick. I think it is impotant to try and get the vitamins you need from what you eat but they cant hurt. Right? I also think the ULTRA VITA MAN have an herb in them that will help put some lead in your pencil if you know what I mean. An added bonus!!!

John Styrnol
01-14-2005, 06:11 PM
For you to get your daily requirements of all of the nutrients that your body needs you would need to eat a tremendous amount of quality foods. Even if you do eat all healthy food your always going to be missing something. A multi-vitamin is a great way to supplement what your unable to get in your daily diet. I think everyone could benefit from a multi-vitamin. There are many quality products out there (Solgar, GNC, AST MultiPro, Animal Pak, NOW, Beverly, Optimum, etc.) They all offer various variety of multi`s to meet your needs. I tend to lean towards GNC because of availability.

You are absolutely right. Back in the 80`s I did a 5-day diet study while taking a nutrition class. When your adding .005, .0002 it sure takes alot to add up to 1.5.