View Full Version : How to keep Clearcloat from disappearing!

08-27-2005, 12:56 PM
Hi All my housemate has a 1994 Acura Integra GSR. I noticed that those cars have problems on the paint. They seem to lose their clearcoat/paint on the roof. Here`s a pic of my housemate`s car


I`m a newbie. But I have been reading this forum for months and have been eyeing the works of many, especially Scottwax. His work is amazing. Well my question is what can I do to keep this from getting worse. Also can anything at all be done to help this look better? I currently have Zaino products (z-2 pro, z-5, ZFX) , Zymol Cleaner Wax, 3M-39009 3M Perfect-It Swirl Mark Remover for Dark Paints. I want to help him maintain his car and remove swirls. Which of these products can I use? Should I buy some others. Also can I use a PC where the clearcloat is dimishing from? I dont want to do anymore damage to the paint. Let me know guys. Thanks.

08-27-2005, 05:41 PM
Unfortunately, nothing can be done once the paint gets to that stage. I am sad to say that the clearcoat is finally starting to fail on my 15 year old 626. It is beginning on the roof and hatch area, which of course are exposed to the elements most. To prevent this type of thing use a good quality wax or sealant, preferably one with UV inhibitors. If possible protect the car from direct sunlight. I would not polish where the clearcoat is failing because you will just remove more of it and accelerate the damage. Where mine is failing, I just try to keep applying my sealant, which is Optimum Car Wax to protect it.

Anthony O.
08-27-2005, 06:31 PM
That is typical clear coat failure caused most likely from first, bad painting at the factory and/or improper car care.

If you happen to wash the car with strong cleaners, such as DAWN or some form of a de-greaser, then this will decrease the life of the clear coat also.

UV absorber loss usually results in faded paint but not always a ruined clear coat.

There is nothing you can do to restore the finish except have it repainted, sorry.


08-27-2005, 08:02 PM
That clear is long gone. You can`t save it once it gets to that point. I`d have the roof repainted before I worried about shining up the rest of the car. After all, they`ll probably wash the car (swirls) after repainting that area anyway.

08-28-2005, 01:30 AM
Well that`s too bad. :( I wish I could do something for his car. I guess I`ll just add wax by hand on the roof and maybe pc the rest of it. Is that ok? Is zaino ok? or is there something you all recommmend?

08-28-2005, 04:49 AM
You could add wax but it will not actually help but nor will it makes things worse. Are there any signs of paint failure on the rest of the car or more generally, what is the condition of the paint everywhere else

08-28-2005, 10:11 AM
The car needs a repaint. Pretty much wasting your time waxing the areas where the clear coat has failed.