View Full Version : Stupid Squirrels!

08-25-2005, 02:12 PM
OK long story short. Here goes...

I went fishing today, brought home a pair of minnows for my fishtank (I like having native fish in my tanks). I had a 3gal bucket that I transported them with. I filled the bucket about 2/3 full, and set it down on the floor in front of the passenger seat. I drove home, holding the bucket with one hand whenever I was braking or turning. Everything was well until I got about 3 blocks from my apartment, when a squirrel decided that it was time to cross the road. Well I slammed on the brakes, as I saw the squirrel hunch over and prepare to be squashed. The squirrel did not get squashed, but I DID hear the bucket of river water tip over next to me. :mad:

I had about a gallon of water leak out of the bucket onto my floor. The floormat seemed to absorb the majority of the water. Initially there was actually a puddle of water on my floormat. I quickly drove home (holding that d*mn bucket all the way) and took that floormat out, and used over two dozen microfiber towels (cheap ones) to absorb every little bit of water in the carpeting. The first few towels got pretty wet. The ones after that didn`t pick up much, but I kept reaching for a dry MF because it just seemed like it would be more absorbent. After 6-8 MFs had been used, I took the fish inside, moved them to the fishtank, and hurried back out to the car. I took some OxiClean/water mix, APC/water mix, Meguiars Odor Eliminator, and some Autoglym Interior Shampoo.

After absorbing all the water I could with the MFs, I cleaned the area with the OxiClean/water mix and a scrub brush, then the APC/water mix and brush, then the Odor Eliminator (with a brush for good measure), and finally the Autoglym Interior Shampoo (with a brush).

I then proceeded to eat lunch outside, so that I could leave my door wide open to let the sun shine on the floor. After about 30 minutes, the sun went behind the clouds, so I drove the car around for about 25 minutes with the heat on full blast, and the fan dial set to FLOOR. I stopped at the nearest DIY car wash, where I used the big *** vacuum that they have there. I was just about finished vacuuming the area when it turned off. I couldn`t believe how little time you get! 5 minutes maybe. It didn`t matter though, I wasn`t concerned about any sand or grass in the rest of the car.


If you look closely, you can see the many streams of water pouring out of the bottom of the floor mat. :( It sure looks/smells nice now that it`s all clean though! :)


08-25-2005, 02:25 PM
Get yourself some of those foam carpet cleaners in a can with a brush stuck on it and scrub it down real good after it`s dry. It`ll prevent the car from smelling like the river.

08-25-2005, 02:28 PM
Would that accomplish something that the OxiClean/brush, APC/brush, Odor Eliminator and brush, and Shampoo/brush didn`t? :nixweiss

08-25-2005, 02:34 PM
you never know until you try. it`s what a local detailing guy used on my car after I got into the car no knowing I have dawg poo on my shoe. It worked very well.

08-25-2005, 02:39 PM
I`m not saying that the foam carpet cleaner wouldn`t work, but I think the products I already used, have already accomplished anything that the foam cleaner would have. I`ve used all of these products before with great success. I think this will be a test for the Odor Eliminator though. We`ll see how well it works against a bunch of river water.

Ben Kenobi
08-26-2005, 12:05 AM
You`re having the greatest luck lately aren`t you? First the scratch now river water. They say bad luck comes in threes, let`s hope it`s not true for you. BTW, you really should have changed your nickname. Seems out of place now that you don`t have a Maxima. Just my 0.02 credits.


08-26-2005, 05:53 AM

I suggest you get this here (http://www.weathertech.com/store/prodsearch.asp?item_group_id=3) . I have on my Accord work like charm. My kid spilled 16oz of Snapple drink on it. That dam matt can hold up to 1qt of water :grinno:

08-26-2005, 06:09 AM
I only use the rubber mats, carpeted mats don`t protect the floormat like they do and they are very easy to clean.

08-26-2005, 08:01 AM
Ben - don`t forget the third mishap... the nasty scuffs on the top of the door from the kayak strap flapping against it at 60mph. :(

Those polished right out with SSR2 and a green pad though. :)

Klync - my OEM mat held at least 1 full quart of water. That thing was heavy! And the water just poured out of there.

I am considering some rubber mats for wintertime use. That way I don`t get all that nasty oil and salt all over my OEM mats.

08-26-2005, 10:17 AM
I got you beat big time thanks to hurrican Katrina like you said in your pm I should have saran wrap to help keep it dry. To bad when it made land fall it decided to head south and catch us all of gaurd.



08-26-2005, 06:48 PM
My wife stalled going through a deep puddle a couple years ago, by the time we got it out there was an inch of standing water in the floorboards. After vaccuming and blotting, the carpet was still soaked. Took the car to an interior trim shop, they pulled out the seats and carpets, peeled off the jute backing and air dried the interior and carpeting over the weekend. Afterwards they Lysol`d the hell out of the sheet metal in the floorpan, installed new padding and reinstalled the carpet and seats.

They told me that once the backing pad gets wet it is very difficult to get dry before mold and eventually odors set in. Had the car another 2 years and never noticed any odors.

If you still have problems, you might consider taking the carpet up and replacing the backing after fully drying.

08-26-2005, 07:40 PM
That`s what I`m a bit worried about. There is a reason I rushed home to start getting the water out. I used every cheap MF I had, and then drove around with the heat blasting even though it was in the mid-upper 70s out. And I stopped at the DIY car wash to use their vacuum. I wanted to do everything I could to get that water out. I`ll probably stop there again tomorrow just because it`s bugging me thinking that there might still be a little water in there.

I`m sure it was a different situation with your wife`s car. The water had a lot of time to soak into everything. In my case, the water only had 2-3 minutes MAX before I was working on it. And most of the water was contained within the floor mat.

I hope I don`t have any mold/mildew problems because of this. :(

08-27-2005, 03:36 PM
Squirrels are psycho!

I was biking to work the other day. There were these two cute fat squirrels on the trail playing.

I guess one of them decided that he wanted a piece of me (or my newly EX-Ped shiny bike).

When I biked past the bugger, he came charging at my bike and hit my real wheel. It made a huge

racket and I was so startled that I always crashed. I stopped and thought for sure that the stupid guy was history. To my amazement, the guy was just stunned a moment - it shook its head a bit and ran back to join his buddy. Squirrels`s skulls must be made of titanium.

08-27-2005, 04:36 PM
That`s what I`m a bit worried about. There is a reason I rushed home to start getting the water out. I used every cheap MF I had, and then drove around with the heat blasting even though it was in the mid-upper 70s out. And I stopped at the DIY car wash to use their vacuum. I wanted to do everything I could to get that water out. I`ll probably stop there again tomorrow just because it`s bugging me thinking that there might still be a little water in there.

I`m sure it was a different situation with your wife`s car. The water had a lot of time to soak into everything. In my case, the water only had 2-3 minutes MAX before I was working on it. And most of the water was contained within the floor mat.

I hope I don`t have any mold/mildew problems because of this. :(

Does the carpet not pull up once you remove the little kick panel thats inbetween the carpet and the doorjam?? The buick and blazer do.

08-27-2005, 05:09 PM
Does the carpet not pull up once you remove the little kick panel thats inbetween the carpet and the doorjam?? The buick and blazer do.

umm, I`m not sure but I`ll check when I go out to add another coat of Nattys in a little while. :)

You`re saying that I could just remove that small panel and then access the floor underneath the carpet?