View Full Version : OCW Application

08-24-2005, 07:55 AM
I just received a bottle of Optimum Car Wax after seeing the great results some here have

achieved. Also it looks as if it would be a time saver after washing to protect and shine the

paint surface.

My question is this: How do you apply it?

I know it is "spray on, wipe off with microfiber", but exactly what does that really

mean? Do you spray on, smear to fill in between the droplets and let dry and then wipe off?

Or do you buff off immediately? It is the actual physical procedure that I need to understand.

Also Optimum states that it can be applied by machine. Would you spray on the PC finishing

pad and work into the surface until gone or buff off with MF?

I hope you get my question and thanks for any advice from those who have used OCW!

08-24-2005, 08:39 AM
This is how I was told:

1.) Spray on

2.) spread in and buff off.

TO sum it up you use it just like a QD.


08-24-2005, 08:57 AM
Just as Greg said, but the message is pretty clear on the bottle:

08-24-2005, 08:59 AM
I bought the gallon jug of OCW, and the directions on there say to spray it onto a towel first, then wipe.

I did try spraying directly onto the car, and it works fine, but I did notice that on my black car, I did get some hazing (maybe I was spraying too thick?). I switched to spraying it onto a MF and wiping on, then wiping off with another MF, with good results.


08-24-2005, 12:44 PM
I did try spraying directly onto the car, and it works fine, but I did notice that on my black car, I did get some hazing (maybe I was spraying too thick?). I switched to spraying it onto a MF and wiping on, then wiping off with another MF, with good results.

I use it very sparingly. The only issues I have had are with using it in the sun, and even then it wasnt THAT terribly bad.....You can feel how slick it is right away, but give it 12-24 hours to look it`s best.