View Full Version : Topping Mothers Reflections or Synwax with Meguire`s #26

08-23-2005, 12:31 PM
Anyone tried this combo? Any compatability issues with doing this?

EDIT: Sorry for the MeguIAR`s typo in the title. ;)

imported_Larry A
08-23-2005, 03:01 PM
I tried it and it works great.I also topped Reflection with Collinite 845 and that also workes great . Mothers says to top Reflection with Top Coat which is a carnuba polymer blend. So is #26.What gos for Reflection also goes for FX.

08-23-2005, 06:34 PM
depends on the look you prefer- #26 darkens the paint and Top Coat is a brighter, glossier look

08-23-2005, 07:17 PM
The Reflections Top Coat is awsome. I would go with that. it`s quick easy and has great results.

Mad iX
08-23-2005, 08:33 PM
There won`t be any compatibility issues.

#26 and Top Coat look quite different, so it`s up to you which you prefer. Top Coat is definitely easier to use than #26 though, but probably costs a bit more over there.

08-24-2005, 03:49 AM
I tried topping Reflections with Meg 26 and didn`t see any improvement to the look. I think the 26 muted the brightness of the Reflections even if it did add to the protection.

If you want to top Reflections to get more protection try S100. That combo on silver looks good and bright.

08-24-2005, 04:45 AM
#26 will mute the brightness - its a characteristic of the wax. #26 will darken the colour and add depth but is really a boon for dark colours.

If your paint is silver or similar, go with a different topper. If its silver and you`re using FX, you`d be crazy to top it with #26...you`ll lose the incredible shine and brightness FX creates. In this case I`d go FX x2.

If your paint is darker, try Top Coat on the Reflections base...or you could go #26. Nice wax but you`ll lose sharpness of reflections.

Try various combos and decide what you like. Mothers waxes can be topped with anything without compatibility issues.

08-24-2005, 05:57 AM
The reason I ask, is that the truck is bright red, and I really like how #26 looks on non-metallic red. I have tried #26 over NXT, but my NXT supply is running low. I was thinking I may try one of the new Mothers products instead of buying more NXT.

Thanks for all the feedback! :)

08-24-2005, 06:39 AM
novadude, if you like the NXT look you`ll like FX. Its similar to NXT but not as plastic looking.

Mind you, on solid red I`d love to try #26 or Reflections. #26 will darken more, Reflections will brighten more. Both will add depth with #26 giving you the most at the expense of sharpness of reflection.

Let us know what you try and your feedback. :up

08-24-2005, 07:52 AM
As the others mentioned you will have no problems topping any of the mothers sealants with any product (obviously, assuming it doesn`t contain cleaners)

Personal preferences:

Dark flat paint: Reflections, top it with a wet carnauba (#26 fits nice here)

Dark metallic paint: For metallic flake, reflections topped with top coat (tough to beat). For depth, top it with a carnauba.

Light metallic paint: For metallic flake, reflections topped with top coat (tough to beat). For reflectivity, FX topped with FX spray wax.

05-25-2007, 06:54 AM
#26 is good but I prefer #16 if you can get hold of it...

05-25-2007, 06:56 AM
It gives you a very similar look to NXT topped with #26. A very good look on most colors.