View Full Version : White Integra Detailing tips?

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08-22-2005, 08:31 PM
I have a Tafetta White Acura Integra LS and I was wondering what would be the best products to detail the exterior? I mean from car wash to wax etc... If you could kindly suggest whats best for the car I would appreciate it.

I want to do anything I can to protect the paint for the winter and the stock Mesh wheels which around teh center caps teh clear is peeling.

BTW I have some minor swirlies and wanna get rid of them and I am will to get a buffer.

Best Regards,


08-22-2005, 08:35 PM
Heres a pic http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b215/princessxox_/Picture263.jpg

08-22-2005, 10:02 PM
Welcome to the board. I too have a white car, and although I am far from an expert who can recommend the "best" stuff, I can certainly share my experience with you. I just detailed my car yesterday, using Meguiar`s NXT car wash, Hi-Temp Medium cut leveler(polish), topped off with Mother`s SynWax. The car wash is great, has a pleasant scent to it, does a great job on cleaning the car, doesn`t leave waterspots and leaves behind a very nice shine. I applied the polish with my PC 7424 and a Lake Country yellow cutting pad, removing the polish with a Meguiar`s Gold Class MicroFiber towel. I then applied the SynWax with the PC and a Lake Country black finishing pad, also removing with the same kind of MicroFiber towel as mentioned above. The SynWax is awesome, I have found it to be one of the easiest waxes to work with, not to mention it`s excellent durability and wonderful glossy finish it leaves behind when buffed out. It doesn`t stain trim or dust when removed, and it`s fresh citrus scent is a plus. It`s not the best pic in the world, but given the lack of sunlight for most of today, this is the best pic I could come up with of my car.


08-22-2005, 10:17 PM
Have you downloaded the ebook yet? It pretty much tells you everything you need to know. Technique is more important (assuming quality products) than what you actually use.

08-23-2005, 04:07 AM

Scottwax- I just was looking for some peoples opinions on which products are best for a white car since I know some are better on black and darker colors while some are best if used on white cars.

I was looking to do a whole detailing and winter prep to prevent rust etc..

Sorry if I did something wrong...and if you could so kindly put in your suggestion for what I should use on a white car I would be doing this :woot:

08-23-2005, 05:08 AM
I have 3 whites - Sequoia, Corolla, Forester, and as Scottwax said, it`s the prep technique that "gets it done". The "cleanest" look for me, on white, is AIO followed by SG x 2 - also the best durability.

I also get very good "pop" with Poorboy`s Pro Polish topped with UPP x 2. Make sure you get the trim as dark as possible - pay extra attention to the "details" (goes without saying) to the tires, trim, windows, etc. Nice deep rich blacks and clean/clear windows also sets off the white.

I`ve found that wax typically "mutes" the brightness of the white and gives a warm subtle glow; you also get a bit more "depth". I`ve used Souveran, Natty`s, and Wofgang sealant each with great results. The wax look is like dusk compared to the midday sunshine of the sealants. The subltle glow is also a very nice look - to each their own.

08-23-2005, 05:43 AM
I will download that ebook learn the teqniques used and then use what you suggested. I have been using Mothers Back to Black on some sun baked trim and your right it really does look good.

If anyone else has any suggestions I would appreciate themn also,, :dance

08-23-2005, 05:44 AM
laefd hit it right on with the extra attention toward the little details. Dark black trim and tires will help the paint look brighter (more contrast), and clean windows (or tinted windows) help too.

I sold my white car, but two of my favorite processes were:

AIO via PC

WG sealant x2

Notice how the splash guard, tires, wheels, antenna, and taillights are all very clean and dressed as well. It really helps the look of the paint.


AIO via PC

UPP x2


White can look great if you take your time to do the correct process, and pay attention to all the details of the car. Good luck!

08-23-2005, 05:47 AM
Thanks again! I will be ordering my things through the store here and look foward to spend 300-400 dollars in supplies :) I cannot wait until I see the result. I am also considering doing a DIY tint with the precut film from TintKits.com, many at Team-Integra love it.

08-23-2005, 06:57 PM
I have a tafetta 01 gsr, and I have used many products on it, but I like z2pro the best, followed closely by p21s on it. nxt looked pretty good as well.

08-24-2005, 08:14 AM
This is what I am thinking about doing, let me know if somethings wrong:

Wash w/ Dawn Original Blue to take off any existing waxes

Clay Bar- I guess I need to rewash after I clay it right?

Klasse All-In-One applied w/ a Porter Cable

Klasse High Gloss Sealant Glaze x 3 layers

Does that sound good for the paint?


08-24-2005, 10:39 AM
Anyone? Is that process OK?

08-24-2005, 12:00 PM
Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion



Liquid Souvern 2X



08-24-2005, 12:24 PM
Thanks alot for the suggestions.

08-24-2005, 06:23 PM
to answer your previous question, that process would be perfectly fine. show the results after