View Full Version : A dedicated Klasse user, but never again

08-21-2005, 07:14 AM
....will I let it dry overnight that is.

I decided, for some reason, to let a coat of SG dry overnight, after all, many say it is the best thing to do; good grief what a chore getting it off.

Instead of it being a simple matter of a few wipes (I usually let it sit for about 20 minutes) it took repeated wipes and still there remained what appeared to be swirl marks.

So out comes the dusty `cyclo` with new mf pads and I have at it. Of course it is perfect now but as for me, never again.

08-21-2005, 07:19 AM
Sounds like you applied it too thick. SG should always be applied as thin an possible. If you can see it goin` on, it`s to thick!


08-21-2005, 07:27 AM
J.J. thought about that also but I changed nothing in my application routine, thin layers using a qd on a micro applicator.

08-21-2005, 08:34 AM
Wipe On, Wipe Off in VERY THIN coats has always worked best for me. Never found the need for overnight drying times.

08-21-2005, 08:37 AM
RJJ- Yikes, I feel bad about that since I`m one of the people who lets it wait overnight and I`m always saying how easy that makes it to buff off. I can`t imagine why it was tough for you to get off, as I`ve even experimented with some pretty thick applications. But I won`t blame you for saying "enough already!" and using something more user-friendly. I *am* :confused: about why it was such a pain though, having just done it again on the MPV (fogged the surface with my breath, first passes by machine/MF bonnet, follow up by hand).

That removal-by-Cyclo is pretty slick, huh? I really like using it for the lion`s share of the work and then following up by hand if necessary. Actually, I almost *always* do my LSP removal that way, can`t beat all those orbits-per-minute.

08-21-2005, 08:37 AM
What QD did you use? I wonder if washing would have removed the SG? I have found that any SG haze that shows up after a couple of days will come off with a normal car wash.

08-21-2005, 02:25 PM
I used to use Klasse AIO and SG, still have plenty in my garage but they are hard to use products and you have to follow the instructions carefully to get the right results, that`s why I abandoned it, too much work but good product otherwise.

DJ Trackie
08-21-2005, 06:08 PM
I used to use Klasse AIO and SG, still have plenty in my garage but they are hard to use products and you have to follow the instructions carefully to get the right results, that`s why I abandoned it, too much work but good product otherwise.

same here!

08-21-2005, 08:19 PM
AIO is a snap. Wipe one wipe off. But I have a question for SG. If you want it so thin you can`t see it going on, how do you know you have it on? A certain trail, even though its a slight waste of product is usefull if not necessary. All this stuff makes me hesitate on buying SG.

08-22-2005, 10:36 AM
. But I have a question for SG. If you want it so thin you can`t see it going on, how do you know you have it on? A certain trail, even though its a slight waste of product is usefull if not necessary. All this stuff makes me hesitate on buying SG.

Unless you need the protection (and then there`s always Zaino...) I can understand how all the talk about it being hard to use is putting you off. Your call, but note that I`ve never used it on more than one or two of our vehicles, preferring other product on the others. The durability is really something, but honestly I prefer other products for the most part. And unless you can get things marring-free I wouldn`t recommend KSG anyhow, it just lets the imperfections show too much (I`d rather use Collinite wax, for instance).

As for the "so thin.." when you apply it you can feel it on the surface. When you`ve applied it the applicator feels different going back over that area. If you work methodically and carefully you won`t miss any spots. I can, however see how this would be too much of a pain for many (most?) people, hence the different methods like w-o-w-o and the general trend towards applying more than necessary.

08-22-2005, 11:02 AM
Question: If KSG really is such a problem, then why do people like me still use it.

Answer: Because it looks great and protects while only requiring you to buy two products--AIO and SG.

I`m one of those that has had no problems using SG WOWO or not.

But, there are plenty of other sealants out there if it doesn`t work for you. IMO you just don`t need a cartful of Z products to make your sealant last for 6 months. Note--that is the only knock against Zaino that I have. It remains an excellent but IMO more expensive alternative if you go the whole ZFX, Z5, Z6, Z7, Z8... route.

Few products like Klasse would be around for the last 26 years if they didn`t work as advertised for most people.

08-23-2005, 05:00 AM
Thanks for the input everyone. As I mentioned I still am a dedicated, very, Klasse user its just that I will not let it dry for any longer than my previously accustomed 20 minutes or so. As for me Klasse ( I haven`t tried Z) is the only way to go, wax is well just wax right?

My typical experience with the Klasse twins is one of incredible ease /results and longevity.

Accumulator, the ol cyclo saved me again, but its kind of sad that its getting so dusty now..

Recently bought a small van conversion camper, which meant that I had to sell my beloved VW TDI, an `03 with about 10k on it. Not wanting to deal with time wasting tire kickers, (and not wanting anyone else to drive it!) I got the idea to e-mail a few dealers in the area. Was amazed at the response and the offer I got and accepted, made 3g`s after the payoff. Every dealer asked who took care of it and what product was used with everyone commenting that they had never seen such a clean finish before, EVER....

08-23-2005, 08:52 AM
Accumulator, the ol cyclo saved me again, but its kind of sad that its getting so dusty now..

Well, mine don`t get used all that much except for LSP on/off either. Which is cool as it means I`m not marring my paint/having to polish all the time :D

Recently bought a small van conversion camper, which meant that I had to sell my beloved VW TDI, an `03 with about 10k on it... Every dealer asked who took care of it and what product was used with everyone commenting that they had never seen such a clean finish before, EVER....

See, it *does* pay off to keep `em nice ;)