View Full Version : Zaino Shelf Life Question

08-20-2005, 03:48 AM
Hey everybody,

Haven`t been here for a while so I figuered I ll ask some questions.

I read the info regarding this issue on Zaino`s website, but had actually questions for people on the forum.

I have had my Zaino Z2 and Z5 probably close to 3 years or maybe a bit longer. I just ordered Z2 Pro, Z-PC, and Z8.

I still have about an ounce of Z5 left and am ready to go through a whole detail for my car with the new products.

Should I just apply Z2Pro to the vehicle or should I do Z5 first?

I have not noticed any major swirl removing properties of Z5, but it leaves a deeper finish than Z2 alone.

Also, after I clay the car I plan on going over it with Z-PC or the Menzerna twins, so should I wash it prior to using these products or should I wait to wash it afterwards?

Thanks for any input.

08-20-2005, 04:26 AM
Only wash it if there is clay residue left all over the place.

08-20-2005, 07:18 AM
I prefer to wash/rinse after every clay on the theory there is bound to be some residue left behind

08-26-2005, 12:40 AM
There are three things that I was planning to do.

Either, wash after clay, but prior to z-pc and menzerna.


Clay, Menzerna or Z-pc and then wash.


Clay, menzerna or Z-PC and NO wash.

I never had any clay residue on the car, because I am very careful and always maintain proper lubrication (that is probably the reaso why I run out of the detailer so fast).