View Full Version : SoCal Nooob

08-16-2005, 02:45 PM
Just found the site and it looks great, I see myself spending a lot of time here brushing up on my techniques. I`ve got a Deep Amethyst (purple) 99` dakota r/t. Here`s a couple pics.





Yes the funky yellow lights are gone from the front end.

So far i`ve been using meguiars gold class, but looks like I will need to order up some Klasse and Pinnacle wax here shortly. :idea

On a side note, i`d love to go on a couple ride alongs with some socal professional detailers.

the other pc
08-16-2005, 05:08 PM
:welcome to Autopia!


08-16-2005, 05:41 PM
Welcome! Nice ride too!

08-16-2005, 06:30 PM
Looks good and nice pics too. The 3rd pic looks like something from an ad. And what`s the story with the `cuda in the background. 1965 or 66?

08-16-2005, 06:40 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome. Good eye Gary, 65` barracuda. That pic was taken over at my friend Bruces house at an R/T meet. It`s one of 2 he has, just waiting on the time to restore them and so forth.

I`m pretty proud/lucky with that 3rd pic, was just snaping some shots after I washed it and that one came out awesome.