View Full Version : New Black Truck, Want To Try RMG

08-02-2005, 10:02 PM
Short Version = Skip to second paragraph

Hey guys, i`ve been lurking for a while, and i posted when i first got into detailing and had a catastrophe with my old 01 black silverado. since then i`ve become alot better and when i went to trade in my 01 for my crew cab 05, the work i put into my nearly flawless finish really paid off. I didn`t have a garage to work in before so i always used the PB`s SSR line to get going, now i just got a new truck with 5 miles on it.. hadn`t been washed or test driven since the dealer got it.. i told them not to touch it in true Autopian style and took home a truck that had been sitting on a dirt lot that looked terrible. The sales manager said he felt bad giving it to me like that. haha.. anyways..

so everyone has been talking about (and using) RMG lately.. saying it darkens the colors etc etc.. well i think it`s what i would like to try next on the truck. it`s factory black from GM which in the sun seems to "wash out" to a light black/brownish color.. anyways, i want to get it looking as dark as possible..also, it has a ton of the classic GM OP option, hoping i can level some of it out but dont want to get into any serious cutting.. i need a light polish to remove some light scratches/swirls from a tinting guy who felt the need to wipe off my clean truck with whatever towel he was using..but the tint looks awesome. so.. i have a pc, the sonus das pads, but i`m going to order some lake country pads, probably a white, 2 blacks and 2 blues or soemthing.. want to try some new stuff and maybe top with souveran.. i can work in the shade now so.. whats everyone`s favorite processes for black?

08-02-2005, 10:09 PM
Congrats on the truck! VM or RMG topped with either Souveran or Natty`s blue will give you a deep, wet look that will make your mouth water. It works very well on my black tacoma.

08-02-2005, 11:16 PM
So, what is this RMG? Didn`t see it in the Super Autopia Decoder.

08-02-2005, 11:40 PM
Clearkote Red Machine Glaze

08-03-2005, 12:41 AM
If you need a light polish I would go

Meguiars #80 Speed Glaze - Polishing Pad

Clearkote Red Machine Glaze - Finishing Pad

Wolfgang Sealant or Poorboys EX

Top with Souveran

Looks great on black


08-03-2005, 09:28 AM
thanks for all the advice so far guys.. if anyone else would like to contribute their process please do.

richt: car is looking great.