View Full Version : My car is killing me!!!

08-02-2005, 04:49 PM
Okay so Ive been dealing with my new rotary buffer and meguirs pads. I first used it on my mothers car, then my fathers trailblazer then my car then a customers black Supra and now back to my car.

I NEVER had a problem until I used it on my car. Now I have holograms!!! :furious: NONE of the previous cars have holograms just mine. My car is read the previous cars are black, white, and pewter. All turned out FLAWLESS. Now all of a sudden the first time with my car I got the same results holograms. Now again with a polishing pad and speed 3 of 6 and Megs #9, I have holograms, no swirls, but holograms.

Its really making my furious :down

Does anyone have any kind of advice for getting rid of the holograms. Im really loving the rotary, but my pads on my PC are getting worn out :furious:

08-02-2005, 04:54 PM
Well I don`t really car for #9 but if you want to stick with it you can try a polishing pad with it and then follow up with a finishing pad and #9 again. A lot of people with rotary`s use Menzerna polishes though and I plan to try some after I tried PB and CG swirl removers. I`ve tried DACP but it gums up on the paint halfway through buffing a car.

08-02-2005, 05:03 PM
Blue LC pad with the #9 and you should be all set.

08-02-2005, 06:00 PM
I use a cyclo, polishing pad and RMG, that usually does the trick. If the holograms persist, the same pad combo moved up to DP FFP or PO85RD can be a real lifesaver. Sometimes, I get a 100% hologram free job via rotary. Sometimes, I get nothing but holograms. I use the same pads, polishes and techinques on all cars. Makes me think that some paint jobs are prone to hologramming, whereas some are hologram-resistant for lack of a better term.

08-02-2005, 09:50 PM
Did you notice them after you polished? I know others get them after using aggressive polishes. Sometimes you get them when you polish to long. Meaning, buffing with dry polish. I know others that have problems with meguires pads. They say the pads don`t clean well. I have only ended up with holograms after using 3m 1500 grit buffing compound.

Try using a medium grit polish like SFX-2 then finish with SFX-3 or AIO.

08-03-2005, 06:38 AM
I feel your pain. I attempted my fourth detail with a rotary yesterday. The previous 3 details turned out flawless. My black Pathfinder on the otherhand was hologram city. I was pretty irritated yesterday to say the least. I tried every combo I had from FPII to SSR 2.5 and I could not get the swirls out. I did manage to add some of those beautiful holograms though. That was exciting!

I finally decided that I was introducing the swirls myself with the pad. I was working in the sun and my polishes were breaking down way to fast. PBs in the sun is not as good as everyone says they are, at least with the rotary they`re not. I think Tim is right, some cars are prone to holograms and some are not.


08-03-2005, 07:28 AM
Never had any experience with getting holograms, I have the PC 7424 and the cyclo. Would be very interested to see what it takes for you to get them out... I would have suggested 2.5 but seems that didn`t work for you either. WG total swirl remover might be a good product to help you out too ( I have used it on several vehicles so far with great results)

Good luck with fixing it , let us know how it goes.

08-03-2005, 09:15 AM
I`d switch to the PC (or a Cyclo if you have one) and move back *up* the scale abrasiveness-wise. For example, if the #9/rotary caused the holograms, I`d remove them with #80/PC/polishing pad. The #80 is a little more aggressive than the #9, which is offset by the PC being less aggressive than the rotary.

And don`t beat yourself up over holograms; Mike Phillips has been using a rotary for a long, long time, and he still gets them now and then. Every job is different...

08-03-2005, 11:45 AM
Every job is different. It`s unreal how you can have the same color and same model and you`ll have totally different problems. I use to use meguires but I would for years have problems with holograms, and scratchs. I never used Poorboys but have heard great things about them, but it takes time with them. Some people like yourself have had more problems with them then good.

maybe try a new type of polish. I suggest SFX or Autoglym, but just like your experiece some vehicles act different to some polishes. I detailed a new paint job and got holograms from the aggressive polish (sfx-1), but came out with the mild polish (Sfx-2). I have an Audi so it works different with my car, because of the clearcoat strength.

If you can`t get purchase or get another type of polish just follow the great ACCUMULATOR`s directions.

08-03-2005, 05:22 PM
I fixed it via yellow pad and #83 thru PC followed by #9 then Glaze


before^ you cannot really see the holograms but trust me they were there.


after^ no more holograms.

08-04-2005, 08:09 AM
317Indy- Glad that worked. Keep it in mind and don`t sweat it if you get them again. Just means the job`s gonna take a little longer than you`d planned.

Never had any experience with getting holograms, I have the PC 7424 and the cyclo...

Unless you do something very weird you`ll never have to worry about holograms with those machines; holograms happen with rotaries.

08-04-2005, 12:17 PM

How can you be sure that the holograms are gone considering you used a glaze as well as 2 different polishes that contain oil (which fill swirls as well)?

08-04-2005, 03:39 PM
They just did, cant really describe it. All information from here said to use a polish to get rid of them. I polished it and buffed it out, and they were gone.