View Full Version : New VW Golf - Dissapointing paint job?

08-02-2005, 02:16 AM
Hi All,

Took delivery of a brand new black metallic VW Golf last friday. 0 miles on the odo, drove it right off the delivery trailer. After a rainstorm, the car looked rather dull on saturday, and some people even said that it didn`t look that shiny and new... :nervous:

And so sunday came. Peered out of the window. Looked at the grey-looking Golf. Looked at the overcast sky. Checked the weather report, no rain. So 15 minutes later I was outside with my two boxes of detailing goodies.

Started out with giving the car a good wash, then proceeded to feel the paint trough a plastic bag... felt like the rocky mountains! :eek:

So I got out the (Megs Quick) clay and worked my way around. Felt much better after that but later found out that I had missed some spots on the roof, oh well.

Proceeded to polish with a mild polish (an unknown local brand that most professionals use over here) and polished out some minor swirl marks. They could`ve come from my washing , but I paid special attention to keeping everything clean since the paint was so fresh, hmm..

Then topped everything off with two coats of NxT.

The end result? Dissapointing! Sure, the car is very black, shiny and slippery now but I expected much more depth. Ofcourse I could try throwing some carnuba on top, but as this is just the company car (and will thus be just a `workhorse`), and the fact that I`ve seen much better results on other black cars using the same products I`m not too inclined to do that. IMHO, NxT should work out just fine on a black car.

I also noticed a fair amount of orange peeling in the lower 1/3th of the car and even a few dust specks covered in paint... :hmph:

Frankly, I feel that my 20 years old BMW 3-series has a better paint job than this brand new Golf... Anyone any ideas as to what could be up? Is this normal for new VWs? :nixweiss

08-02-2005, 04:36 AM
Frankly, I feel that my 20 years old BMW 3-series has a better paint job than this brand new Golf... Anyone any ideas as to what could be up? Is this normal for new VWs? :nixweiss

No, this is definitely NOT normal for VWs. Audi and VW have been known for awhile for producing the BEST paint jobs in the world. I have seen many near-perfect paint jobs on them for years. Sorry to hear about that. You got one of the few bad ones, I guess.:hairpull

Well, at least it`s a company car(and a nice one at that!) :p

08-02-2005, 05:05 AM
One thing I`ve noticed is that black metallic lacks the depth of regular non metallic jet black. That may be what you`re seeing (or not seeing). I`ve always found metallic black to be an odd colour.