View Full Version : Bird Crap... how long should I wait?

07-25-2005, 10:11 PM
It`s not like I can check on my car every 5 minutes. I know I should remove bird crap as soon as I see it, but what`s the longest I can wait before removing bird poopie, before it starts to do some real damage to my car`s paint? I have Collinite wax on my car, and I wash it, and booster wax it every weekend.


07-25-2005, 10:19 PM
its a question with no real answer. Has been discussed many times. It all depends what the bird ate. If its really acidic an hour in the sun could be to long. If not acidic at all it could be on for a week and not do anything. Thats why its better to not wait at all. As soon as you see it remove it. Chris

07-26-2005, 12:38 AM
Can only echo that comment, the muck could be on there for days and not etch, where as others can etch in no time at all. General rule is as soon as you see it remove it. You cant go out all day checking though very true.

07-26-2005, 06:10 AM
As soon as possible.

07-26-2005, 06:24 AM
I don`t run check on my car every 5 minutes, but the minute I see the crap, I get it off. I carry QD and a soft cloth in my trunk for such emergencies. If I leave the house in the morning and see it on the car, it`s coming off before I drive to work. If I leave my office and see it on the car, it`s coming off before I drive home.

07-26-2005, 10:56 AM
ive had damage in less than a day...and ive also had it on there a week with no damage

if you see a real good one one your car, wipe it off with a wet sponge as soon as you can

07-26-2005, 01:58 PM
Another thing to remember is to be careful removing bird poop, especially if you have only limited detailing tools at the time. Most (all?) birds eat sand to aid digestion. That, and seed fragments, can put significant scratches in your paint.

07-26-2005, 08:08 PM
No more than several hours (4-5 max), and hope that your car isn`t in direct sunlight. Carrying a squeegie bottle or an atomizer will invariably come in handy!

a.k.a. Patrick
07-26-2005, 08:23 PM
Nevereverever.....spray and wipe, always let the solution soften it up......Even if you have to spit on it, get it off.......(Im talking about bird poop, promise!!) :woot2:

07-27-2005, 01:33 AM
Definitely let it soak. If you can blotch the bird crap, do so. It`s better than rubbing it across your car`s paint.

07-27-2005, 06:01 AM
Is there any wax or sealant that offers real protection against the acids in bird crap? I put one coat of Klasse AIO and three coats of SG on my car in mid-June, and Monday afternoon a bird crapped on my roof. It was on there an hour or two at most before I saw it, but temps were in the mid-90s and by the time I cleaned it off it had etched the clearcoat. I used QD and a MF towel to remove the crap, then I tried clay, I tried the rubbing alcohol/water mix, I tried AIO, but the mark is still there. I`m going to buy the Porter Cable orbital and give that a shot, but for future reference, would a top layer of carnauba or anything else offer protection against this kind of thing? Frankly, I thought the AIO/SG combo would handle it, but obviously not. :(