View Full Version : Any Zero Marring/Swilrs left behind

07-24-2005, 07:58 PM
Okay detail junkies,

How perfect is perfect? I know we have few Pro here. It`s possible to polish and leave ZERO or some marring behind? I always leave very fine marring behind. I went thru like few pads and still see some small swirls/marring :confused:

07-24-2005, 08:40 PM
Buffing to zero marring on every square inch of paint is almost pointless unless you are a fanatic and/or drive a show car.

Marring/swirling is inevitable just by driving around normally. There will usually be a couple marrs here and there after the first wash. You will have to learn to deal with it, especially in the NE, where contaminants are rather heavy, IMO.

07-24-2005, 09:41 PM
Theres always glaze for those stuborn swirls, if its a daily driver its better to live with some swirls than compromise your clear by excessive buffing ;) Closest to swirlfree ive gotten on a dark colored car is using a white LC polishing pad with menzerna FP. What polish you using you finish off ?

07-24-2005, 09:48 PM
I understand the title but am confused by some of the responses. R we talking about removing all of the marring that was there b4 starting the process or leaving no traces of your work on the panels?

07-25-2005, 06:47 AM
Theres always glaze for those stuborn swirls, if its a daily driver its better to live with some swirls than compromise your clear by excessive buffing ;) Closest to swirlfree ive gotten on a dark colored car is using a white LC polishing pad with menzerna FP. What polish you using you finish off ?

I use the following steps:

SSR2.5 (LC organe@1500)

SSR1 (LC White@1200)

AIO (LC blue@1200)

OP (LC white@1300)


I never try out Menzerna IP or FP as yet..maybe I should order a bottle today.

07-25-2005, 06:50 AM
"leaving no traces of your work on the panels?"

yaeh that.

07-25-2005, 07:52 AM
Why are you using white again after blue ?

07-25-2005, 07:58 AM
So, I should use the other way around?

07-25-2005, 09:41 AM
Yeah, I usually go

PG - wool (if necessary)

OCP - orange

OCP - white

PO85RD - cyclo if necessary (I can`t get a trail free finish, for example)

RMG - blue/cyclo black

Souveran/EX/FK2180/etc - hand

07-25-2005, 11:38 AM
You can get a nearly-perfect car perfect, and you can keep it that way until somebody *else* touches it. And you can`t service some cars at home so something will eventually happen. Or you`ll hit a deer :o

After the "deer incident", I got the S8 perfect except for some rids that can`t safely be removed and a year later I`ve only had to polish out two flaws (one caused by dealer, the other from where I closed the trunk lid by touching it with a 100% cotton towel- nobody else would`ve ever seen that one). But yeah, I`m a fanatic with that car and I spent *weeks* getting it just right. Took five light sources, magnifiction, rotary, Cyclo, and PC. And washing it takes *many* hours. I *do* use it though, just got back from a roadtrip in it.

I only have to repolish the *minivan* every year or two; it doesn`t get marred either. That`s a daily driver/dog hauler that`s used every day, year round. IMO it`s all in how you wash and use them. Don`t touch the paint, especially when it`s dirty, unless you`re washing it. And wash/dry it properly.

07-25-2005, 02:07 PM
From my experience, if you have a car other than the color black, It will look perfect pretty easily and you can maintain it for longer than a black car that is perfect. Just this weekend i detailed my bros black prelude. I used Optimum polish and then TOL low cut polish and it looked 98 percent swirl free. Then i clayed it to get some polish off from splattering. When i wiped the area off, i already saw some minor swirls that were induced. Keep in mind i wasnt even claying off dirt. just some optimum polish that was left behind.

I basically think if you could achieve a perffect finish, it would be over and done with and no longer perfect after the first few washes, and first clay. But these are minor minor marring. I guess you could hid it with some carnauba

07-25-2005, 02:22 PM
I might order me some RMG this week as well. Haha time to bust out some glaze.

thank you guys.