View Full Version : Suggestions Please

07-24-2005, 05:49 PM
What would you guys suggest for taking out these imperfections?(product and pads) There are also some really bad water spots that the picture doesn`t show. I swear they put salt tablets in the sprinklers around here. Washing would hardly budge these bad boys. It`s a new car so I don`t want to be too aggressive. Would AIO and PC possibly remove this? Or something with some more kick? Thanks for all your help. This site is awesome and a disaster for my self-diagnosed OCD.


touch me (http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b226/tzec/69b0040b.jpg) for larger pic.

Also... is an 05 Civic SS or CC and does that affect pad choice?

07-24-2005, 07:24 PM
Water spots on soft paint baked in the summer sun and you`ve got problems. They etch into the clearcoat. You have buff, starting with a mild abbrasive like Meg`s #80 with soft pad on a PC should work as your paint is obviously soft for the water to etch in there. AIO is non-abbrasive, you can try it but I don`t think it will budge it.

07-24-2005, 07:47 PM
You have buff, starting with a mild abbrasive like Meg`s #80 with soft pad on a PC should work as your paint is obviously soft for the water to etch in there.

and if #80 doesn`t work, step up to #83. your pics don`t look as bad as some i`ve seen.