View Full Version : Looking for opinions - products......

07-24-2005, 04:29 AM
Hey folks,

While not necessarily new to detailing, I am planing a major life change and considering hanging out my shingle as a detailer. My question is.....after the last 3 weeks of reading here and in some other places....what would you recommend as a "product line" for the majority of my polishing and waxing needs?

I am not rying to start a war, and I realize that one "line" may not do it all. I also realize as tiem goes on I will probably develop my own favorite collection. What I am trying to avoid is spending a gazillion $$$ on a huge variety of products. If I can get a basic line and then tweak it with time, well thats my plan anyway.

Thanks in advance.

07-24-2005, 05:01 AM
If you`re going pro, go for bulk. Especially at the beginning, every dime will count. Remember this mantra: "A little plus a little plus a little is a lot."

Most of what people use here is marketed to single users, where customer support is more important than low price. A pro will not need the support as much; he will need the low price. One major wholesaler mentioned and reviewed here is Chemical Guys. There are others.

I`ll make a point about talent: Ardex was mentioned a couple times as making cheap and not-so-good products. But I know a guy who uses Ardex exclusively and gets top notch results, because he`s familiar with the products and knows how to make them work to their fullest.

I hope this helps, if only a little.


a.k.a. Patrick
07-24-2005, 07:22 AM
Chances of finding the "right" products your first time up at the plate are slim. Your going to have to realize, your just going to have to go thru a few brands, and then a few more before your comfortable on settling with one particluar one. I mean consider the options:

Four Star, Klasse, Poorboys, Blackfire, Clearkote, Zaino, Chemical guys, Ardex, Menzerna, to name several. Theres no way you can really make a personal decision, without having the personal experience of all.......

I still "want" to try some of the newer OTC items, but I resist. I know the OTC probably arent par with what im currently using, but boy, the childlike desire to want, is overwhelming sometimes !!

07-24-2005, 07:43 AM
top-of-the-line has good selection for various tasks they sell their whole line here > http://www.topoftheline.com/silicone-wax-remover.html

07-24-2005, 08:07 AM
If you`re going pro, go for bulk. Especially at the beginning, every dime will count. Remember this mantra: "A little plus a little plus a little is a lot."

Most of what people use here is marketed to single users, where customer support is more important than low price. A pro will not need the support as much; he will need the low price. One major wholesaler mentioned and reviewed here is Chemical Guys. There are others.

I`ll make a point about talent: Ardex was mentioned a couple times as making cheap and not-so-good products. But I know a guy who uses Ardex exclusively and gets top notch results, because he`s familiar with the products and knows how to make them work to their fullest.

I hope this helps, if only a little.


I agree with Tom. Bulk products have come a loooong way. Ardex will give results as will Automagic and Malco. Infact, I use products from all 3 of these companies. Automagic is extremely user friendly, Ardex has some durable products such as their Flint Glaze and Topaz carnuba waxes, and Malco makes a plastic and leather cleaner that I exclusively use for vinyl interiors exclusively. Then there are the proffesional products from Meguires that can be cost effective if used as directed (use sparingly). Then there are things that cost a bit more but are time efficient. Sometimes its a trade off. Bulk can save money but then there are times that a more expensive product will save you time and as we all know, TIME IS MONEY :spot