View Full Version : I now have a rotary - and I LOVE it!!!

07-23-2005, 02:01 PM
My Makita 9227 arrived Wednesday :bounce

What a piece of kit!!! Tried it on GF`s dog wagon (not washed in, ahem, several weeks) and used a panel which was damaged in a hit & run a while back - I figured that if I screwed up badly, it wasn`t so bad as it`s due a repaint.

I initially tried a cutting pad and SSR3 - big mistake.....

I then decided to forget everyting I`ve picked up with PC use and start again. I switched to a Meguiars yellow and played aorund with DACP, SFP & #9.

WOW - virtually every swirl and scratch gone, some hazing to the CC eradicated and no burning or trails - even GF who can always be relied on for unbiased critical anaysis was impressed.

Really pleased with it - enough to use it on a Merc SL today without any issues.

07-23-2005, 02:25 PM
Andy, what backing plate were you using with it as my Meg`s one has yet to arrive...

07-23-2005, 02:46 PM
Andy, go easy fella, especially if on a clients car, I have now found the limit of a rotary and burnt paint, its too late to stop it once it happens, and it happens very quickly and without warning. I have not used the rotary since, and I am considering selling it to remove temptation to use it again.

07-23-2005, 03:04 PM
Axe, don`t give up on it - just put it down to experience. I bet the vast majority of accomplished rotary users here at Autopia have at some point burnt paint... sh1t happens. At least you actually know what it takes to burn paint now - that can only help you in the future. Get yourself a scrap panel and practice some more... you`ll soon get your confidence back.

I`m like Andy - luvin the Makita! I had a really good session the other day on my car... no buffer marks and barely any splatter - so I must be doing something right.

07-23-2005, 03:30 PM
Damn you lot, I had completely pushed the idea of a Makita out of my mind but now I am tempted again. £169 is still a lot of money though.

07-23-2005, 04:05 PM
I have only just gone PC after all those years! Andy with what your planning it will be a much needed tool.

07-24-2005, 01:49 AM
It was an essential tool given that I`m moving towards doing this full time as it produces excellent results IMO but much faster. I still plan to practice on my cars (read GF`s Ka) to maximise what I can do with it but so far it`s cool - I think the most important thing I`ve learnt in the short time I`ve had it is forget what you know about the PC as the rotary needs much less agression in terms of pad/product - swirls which would need a cutting pad and fairly aggresive polish will come out using milder products on a polishing pad.

I`m actually going to order some more DAS pads - as they`re exceptional value and seem to work really well with it.

Ben, using the Toolstation velcro backed plate as Craig suggested. Works just fine and appears to be the same as the Meguiars one. Might order a couple of spares as they`re like £3 a go.

07-24-2005, 02:47 AM
Andy... how are you finding centering the DAS pads onto the Toolstation backing plate?

Getting the pad perfectly centred is a real PITA - once you`ve got it perfectly centred, I`ve found it makes a huge difference in making the rotary easier to handle. I`m still looking into the Edge pads for this very reason.

07-24-2005, 03:28 AM
I use a little stock for centering, the DAS pads have very tiny holes in the middle, you place the stich in the center of the polisher and slide the pad over it, that`s it !

On my FLEX polisher (type :http://www.flex-tools.de/en/prod/detail.php?id=182)[/url], wich costs a whopping 260 $ but is state of the art machinery, there is a plstic slider that you can put into the velcro backing plate, so you can slide the FLEX-pads right in the midlle, of course you have to romeove that slider before starting...

It`s the yellow thing in the pic, already placed on the backing plate....

07-24-2005, 03:30 AM

Here` a pic...

07-24-2005, 06:00 AM
Andy... how are you finding centering the DAS pads onto the Toolstation backing plate?

Getting the pad perfectly centred is a real PITA - once you`ve got it perfectly centred, I`ve found it makes a huge difference in making the rotary easier to handle. I`m still looking into the Edge pads for this very reason.

Absolutely fine Craig - no problems at all!

07-24-2005, 07:24 AM
I just won a brand new Makita on ebay for $132.50 + shipping of course. Bye Bye Chicago rotary.