View Full Version : Ford F-350 Detail w/Pics

01-05-2005, 08:06 AM
Over Christmas break (500 miles away, visiting relatives) I detailed a black 2002 Ford F-350 Quad Cab & Extended Bed for my brother in-law. (paint & interior only). This is a massive rig!

I had access to a heated garage bay, electricity, and a sink to wash out my pads. Unfortunately no hose/power washer so the wheel wells, underbody, engine bay, and inside the bed weren`t touched. My brother-in-law was interested in improving the appearance of the paint (full of scratches), and having a clean interior. He plans to put a 4-sale sign on the truck.

The truck was used for sales calls and has never been polished/waxed. The odometer reading was at 140K. That`s a lot of road time for a 2 year old truck! The only thing I had in my favor is that the truck was black (ha, ha!!)

I started around noon and had to be finished by 5pm.

Process Used:

- Wash: Automatic Car Wash followed by S&W after driving back to the shop.
There were soooo many scratches in the paint and I really didn`t feel bad about running it through an automatic.
It took about an hour to drive to car wash, S&W, wipe down the jams, exterior windows, trim, rims, vac & wipe down the interior.

The first few photos are after the wash process. Again, sorry about the dirty tires & wells. I didn`t have access to anything to clean these areas, and to be
honest, I`m kind of glad. I think the wells would have needed about a gallon of APC and a few cans of black spray paint.

- Compounded with Menzerna Power Gloss & Cyclo using an orange pad. I kept the PG misted with S&W which made for some pretty aggressive action.
This process took about an hour, which is pretty quick for a truck this size IMO. The Cyclo really broke down the PG quick.

- Next up was SSR2.5 using the Cyclo using green pads.
This took a little over an hour. I had to hit most of the vertical panels twice. I also kept the SSR2.5 misted with S&W which gave it a little more `bite`.
SSR2.5 breaks down quick, and wipes off effortlessly.

- Maguire`s #80 Speed Glaze applied via the Cyclo & white polish pads. I really like #80, especially on black. It really left the truck looking wet and did a nice job of
hiding some of the deep scratches that I could not remove. Does #80 have fillers? This step took about 45 minutes. The #80 breaks down quick and almost
disappears into the finish!

When applying SSR2.5 and #80 I used a dab of product applied to the center of each pad. I`d estimate that I used 5oz or so of each product, which isn`t a lot considering the size of this vehicle!

- Topped with Optimum Spray Wax, using a PB`s velvet smooth MF (which is awesome!).
20 Minutes to do the exterior panels, trim & jams. Another 15-20 minutes to apply VM to the chrome.

I forgot my BnB at home, and had to use Armor All on the tires & trim. Sorry if I offend anyone, but Armor All sucks! BnB rules and a short stint with AA reminded me why I love it so much. The tires still look like crap, but so do those ugly wheel wells!

So there you have it. Not a head to toe detail (and it shows), but I do think the paint turned out pretty nice considering what I started with.

01-05-2005, 10:03 AM
nice scratch removal!!

01-05-2005, 10:07 AM
cant really tell much from the pics. bad lighting i guess. but i do see an improvement... pics say it all.

01-05-2005, 10:51 AM
Here`s another shot. Yea, the lighting could have been better but that`s all I had to work with.