View Full Version : Megs #26 vs Deep Crystal Carnuba

07-22-2005, 02:59 PM
So I have a bottle of MDC#3 carnuba I`ve been kicking around for awhile. It works ok..not the best in durability or depth, but it`s pretty shiny. I`m looking for another all-purpose carnuba for topping and have been looking at #26. A little nagging voice in the back of my head brought up the question...Is it the same stuff? Anyone have any experience with #3 vs #26?

07-22-2005, 04:43 PM
No, they arnt the same. 26 lasts alot longer.

I would look into the TWPUG, it is very nice.

07-22-2005, 06:29 PM
While your looking at TWPUG (which is very good, btw) you may want to look at Reflections Top Coat as well.

TWPUG has cleaners and may not suit as LSP if you have something underneath. Top Coat doesn`t have cleaners and will give you a bit more depth than TW.

But neither has the depth of #26. #26 has got great depth and darkens the paint, but mutes the reflections somewhat.

07-22-2005, 06:30 PM
#26 is waaaaaaaaay better.

TWPUG is good, but more like Reflections or NXT.


07-22-2005, 08:35 PM
Currently the thought is to top NXT with #26. NXT is nice, but it makes my black SRT look `Candy-coated`. Not too sure if I like it. It sure grabs your attention, though.

I went out and taped off the hood for an experiment. The paint is in pretty good shape. I just had a detailer take a rotary to it to correct some paint problems. He removed about 90% of the marring but I figured I would experiment a bit with the final 10% before getting out the PC. The detailer used NXT as an LSP and this is the first time I`d seen NXT on my car. He also gave me the rest of the paste he had so I can reapply and decide if I like it.

Back to the experiment. I used AIO to strip off what was put on by the detailer. Then I applied some of my new Menzerna Finishing Touch Glaze (don`t the acronym for that one :lol:). After that I topped it with some NXT (didn`t figure the NXT would strip the glaze too much) and a final wipe down with NXT QD. Just as before, the surface gloss is there, but the depth appears to be gone...almost milky. Is that to be expected with the glaze on a black car? Would a carnuba topper help the depth problem?

07-22-2005, 09:19 PM
Of the 2 Meg`s products you mentioned..........Go with the Meg`s #26. It`s a very nice product!!

07-22-2005, 09:44 PM
Im in the middle of my srt-4 detail right now. today i washed, clayed, ssr2.5, ssr1, aio, and a layer of sg. tommorow comes another layer of sg then nxt and #26. I`ll let ya know tommorow night how it came out. I would take pictures but a recent pool accident has me shopping for a new one. sorry :(

07-22-2005, 09:56 PM
Good luck :). I went out and took a look under the fluorescent lamps in my carport and it looks like the milky haze was only on the surface. I gave it a wipe down with QD and now it`s clear as a bell. We`ll see how the depth is tomorrow.

I got 52,000mi worth of sand chips on the hood. I may be due for a wet sanding but we`ll tackle that another day :D