View Full Version : "Nikota" Pads - What brand are they really?

07-22-2005, 08:10 AM
Just the other day I went into a local Big Lots store here in NC, and seen a package of pads in the auto section. In this package was what seemed to be a 4" white spot pad, and a 6" or 7" white polishing pad, both had a velcro backing to them. Looked as if they were made by a larger brand, (Edge 2000, LC, ect.) Was wandering if anyone else has seen these and/or knows anything about them. The packaging says they are from Nikota, and they weren`t all that expensive, like 2 dollars I believe, next time I`ll get some and post pic`s if need be. I could have stumbled on a deal!

the other pc
07-22-2005, 09:56 AM
Knock-offs always look the name brands. They may or may not (usually not) work the same as products you`re familiar with.

Nikota is a huge volume, low cost off-shore brand. I would assume their stuff comes from one or more (Chinese?) factories that specialize in high volume production of cheap generic products.


07-22-2005, 10:55 AM
I`ve seen the Nikota brand myself at Big Lots, and I did some research and I heard that their engineers are actually ex-Makita engineers (dunno if that`s good or bad). They have an orbital for ~$35 that I may try some day.

07-22-2005, 03:17 PM
Do you have any pics of these pads ?

07-22-2005, 04:27 PM
I don`t have any pics of the pads currently, however, I may run down to Big Lots and buy them just for giggles, and to show you guys. They could be usefull, I dunno. Heres a web address I found with a pic of the pads I`m talking about, the pads are sold separately in a small pastic bag hanging on a rack, wasn`t but 2 bucks!

Nikota cordless Polisher and Pads (http://www.cssauction.com/product/___765/nikota-4-inch-cordless-rechargeable-polisher-with-2-batteries.html)

07-22-2005, 09:31 PM
That polisher and pads look familar, they are generic brands for other big sotres, I just picked up 2 of those 6" white pads, they are too soft for polishing, but OK for finishing.

11-21-2005, 06:17 PM
Just doing a quick follow up on this old post. I picked up 3 packs for 6 bucks, figured I could at least try them on the shower, or glass, who knows what. Has anyone seen these?

For 2 bucks a pack, if they work for anything, i know I`ll be happy. Don`t think I`d Use them on paint tho.


11-21-2005, 06:48 PM
They don`t look bad at all. How do they feel?

11-21-2005, 08:53 PM
Make note to self. Stop by Big Lots tomorrow on the way home.

11-22-2005, 10:25 AM
They are medium as far as stiffness goes. I`ve not ordered any pads for my PC yet, so I dont have anything to compare it to. Maybe you guys will luck out like I did.

12-07-2005, 08:30 PM
I bought 4 packs for my $20 HomeSource orbital-the 6 inch pads are slightly stiffer than a Megs 6.5 inch finishing pad and my SM Arnold speedy cut foam rotary black polishing pad. I would guess they are a mild polishing pad-even tho they look similar the 4 inch pad is quite a bit stiffer.