View Full Version : I think I made a Boo Boo with my PC!!!

07-21-2005, 09:25 PM
Just got my PC about 2 weeks ago. Did my father Yukon with my propel pads and some SSR2 and SSR1 worked great but could not get all the swirls out. Next adventure was my mother 1997 Jaguar. Not taken car of at all. Paint was a mess, lots of scratches. I had ordered some SSR2.5 to try. Well onto what I think I did. Didnt remember seeing it before so im assuming i did it. Around the door handle there is a painted raised section. They had a good amount of scratches on them so I decided I would go over them with the ssr2.5. The scratches came out, but on two of the door handles it looks like on the trim the edge lost some paint. I looked carefully and can see the trim is made of plastic. There is a very light white line on the edge. Do you think I could have dont this with the pc? It was on two of the trims, I didnt notice it untill after I was done. Also it was only the top of the trim nothign on the bottom. I only made quick passes over it. I was using a propel orange pad when I did it. Now the good news, the car is being traded in or sold so I dont care. It was my vehicle to practice and play with!!! Bringing it to get appraised tommorow at 1. Most likely it will be gone in 2 weeks. You think i could cover it up for the time being with some touch up paint or should I just leave it and say screw it. Thanks Chris