View Full Version : Targeting Car Clubs

07-21-2005, 04:37 AM
One of the many marketing ideas I started as part of my business plan was to get involved with car clubs. The best way to get in front of them is to offer to speak at their monthy meetings. This year I had 13 speaking engagements and all of them brought in new business. These members are fanatics about keeping their cars in mint condition, and most of these owners are not up to speed on the latest techology/applications and procedures. Usually they allocate 20-30 mintues or so for guest speakers and detailing is a HOT topic. I take maybe 2 topics of what I think they would be interested and allow questions at the end. Since I don`t charge for the service, they allow me to bring my products with me to sell at the end of my presentation. It`s a win win situation for both the club and myself. They get educated and up to speed with what goes on in the professional world of detailing, I get my name out there and bring in more customers. :up Gary

07-21-2005, 06:09 AM
Couldn`t agree with you more...I`m actually a member of Audi club, BMW club and Porsche club and attend local meets and pass out cards when it sparks interest...and I`m currently working on a detailing clinic for the local BMW boys. I find that the enthusiests will generally take the time to learn and do lots of the work themselves but often they just don`t have the time...these people I also find to be the most appreciative customers of my work.


07-21-2005, 06:14 AM
Andy, you should start a line of products, then these owners that do the work themself will buy your products. just another marketing idea. gary

Couldn`t agree with you more...I`m actually a member of Audi club, BMW club and Porsche club and attend local meets and pass out cards when it sparks interest...and I`m currently working on a detailing clinic for the local BMW boys. I find that the enthusiests will generally take the time to learn and do lots of the work themselves but often they just don`t have the time...these people I also find to be the most appreciative customers of my work.


imported_416 Auto
07-21-2005, 07:49 AM
Great idea to meet people and get your name out. Gary makes a good point with saying to start a product line. Or to keep your costs down sell them products they will buy like speacialty waxes and such. One thing that is always a great seller at those places is microfiber product. Get in good with a dealer and buy it at a good price and mark it up for your company sales.


07-21-2005, 08:03 AM
416/ YES!!!!!!!!! MICRO FIBER is one of my best sellers!!!. Most people never heard of it and when you can turn them on to such a great product they remember you for life. I stilll get e mails from people that have attended my seminars and bought MF, they still are thrilled. Gary

07-21-2005, 08:12 AM
Here are some pics from a detailing seminar I hosted at an exotic car dealer, I sold over $800 of detailing supplies, a record for me at any single event. Gary



C. Charles Hahn
07-21-2005, 08:16 AM
416/ YES!!!!!!!!! MICRO FIBER is one of my best sellers!!!. Most people never heard of it and when you can turn them on to such a great product they remember you for life. I stilll get e mails from people that have attended my seminars and bought MF, they still are thrilled. Gary

Yeah I`ve thought of this; I could even probably buy the Costco/Sam`s MFs (the good hometex ones) and sell them with a small mark-up. :chuckle:

07-21-2005, 07:08 PM
Andy, you should start a line of products, then these owners that do the work themself will buy your products. just another marketing idea. gary

Did you get some manufacturer to rebrand for you or do you just mean sell some of the non OTC stuff?

07-23-2005, 09:21 AM
I`m a distributor for Four Star Platinum, if you buy in case quanity you get a nice discount,. YOu can actually sell for less than their web site. Next I private label for two professional chemical companies that I sell. Its a nice deal. PM me if you want more info. Gary