View Full Version : Question for homeowners (insurance)

07-21-2005, 02:37 AM
I`m looking to buy a home when I move back to the states and I was wondering what a ballpark figure would be for homeowners insurance. The areas will be either Oklahoma City, OK, Omaha, NE, or Warner Robins, GA. House will probably be around $115K.

07-21-2005, 11:36 AM
it really depends on the actual home (age, construction materials), it`s location (crime, flood plain, CLUE history, etc), for my soon to be home in the Phoenix area it`s a little under 1K/yr

07-21-2005, 08:09 PM
Yeah, I would say ballpark will be between 1-2K.

07-21-2005, 08:16 PM
Easy.......too much!! I just love how they take thousands from us every single year, and the first time you make a claim they either go up on your rates or drop you completely. I`m all for insurance and paying for it, but it`s really getting out of hand.

Our local State Farm rates just went up here in Louisiana because of hurricane Ivan, which didn`t even hit us, and the latest thing is that the insurance companies are trying to get tropical storm Cindy to be upgraded in classification to a category 1 hurricane so they can raise the deductibles to the default "hurricane" deductibles which are usually at least $1,000 more! :angry

Sorry about that, rant over.

07-21-2005, 09:06 PM
Dookie - So true man. I think that goes for car insurance too. I heard one of those consumer advocate/watchdog shows on AM radio the other day and they were saying as much. You pay for so long, and then when it comes time to use the product you pay for they kill you on the rates or dump you off altogether. I have been with State Farm for so long on car insurance that I have the "cannot be cancelled" policy. Doesn`t mean they can`t price me out of existence though. I agree that insurance should be modified. This consumer guy proposed that there be some kind of tax on gas that would go into a pool and pay for liability insurance for everyone in the state. It`s the people that drive around with nothing that ruin it for the rest of us. I see so many piece of crap cars on the road I wonder how they pass inspection, and know damn well they are probably uninsured battle axes waiting to crunch someone. I could rant about this and medical care all night. There`s another forum where we who have insurance carry those who don`t on our backs.

07-21-2005, 09:22 PM
Oh yeah, they get you with car insurance too. My father owns a third generation commercial only plumbing company and he has used Allstate for his vehicle insurance for the last 15 some odd years. In that time, he has only received one speeding ticket and one of his employees rear ended someone causing around $3,000 worth of damage, not that big of a deal. Well, he got a letter just last week stating that because of the ONE speeding ticket and the ONE $3,000 claim, he is being dropped cold turkey. Here`s the best part. Both the ticket and the accident took place in 2003! They told him that they are just getting around to auditing his account to check for tickets and such, or they would have done it sooner.

Please tell me if this makes sense here. They receive around $5,000 per year from him for his commercial vehicle insurance every year for the past 15 years, and only ONE $3,000 claim was filed against him and they are dropping him. They are now going to lose $5,000 every year this one account. Absolutely ridiculous.

I also couldn`t agree with you more on the uninsured motorists. Not only are our rates high because of them, we also have to pay for an extra insurance to be covered if they hit us!!

I think it should be like the neighborhood I just bought my new house in. We have 24 hour security, and the fee is actually included in your annual property tax so everyone in the neighborhood HAS to pay. Everyone pays, everyone is covered. Just how it should be. We also have one of the lowest crime rated neighborhoods in the city, go figure.

07-21-2005, 09:29 PM
I agree Dookie. The community pot thing is a good idea, and theoretically rates should drop a bit if it were done. How much do you want to bet that wouldn`t happen though? Dropping your dad makes no sense at all. These idiots only want you as a customer if you are perfect at all times. Hello! What the hell did I get insurance for?

07-23-2005, 08:39 AM
GreyFixer, I live in Warner Robins. I think your insurance for a house in that range should be about

900.00. I guess you were stationed hear and that is how you know WR. The prices are reasonable here down in Middle Georgia but we work cheap being uneducated, country rednecks. Wes

07-24-2005, 12:37 AM
GreyFixer, I live in Warner Robins. I think your insurance for a house in that range should be about

900.00. I guess you were stationed hear and that is how you know WR. The prices are reasonable here down in Middle Georgia but we work cheap being uneducated, country rednecks. Wes

Hey, thanks for the info. I`m cross-training into a different career field right now and Robins AFB is one of three bases that I may be assigned to (Tinker AFB, OK and Offutt AFB, NE being the other two.) I want to buy a house, live in it for 2 or 3 years with a roommate, and then keep it as a rental property.

07-24-2005, 03:02 PM
Speaking for Oklahoma City, I pay about 1600 a year for a little over 2500sqf. I am in one of the higher priced areas in the South part of Oklahoma City...taxes on the North side are higher from what I hear. Edmond (a Northern suburb of Oklahoma City) are higher still. I hear that 2500sqf has about 2500 a year in taxes.

07-24-2005, 04:43 PM
Insurance companies are the new mob.

I despise everything about them.