View Full Version : Q: Rules of thumb on frequency of each step

07-20-2005, 02:19 PM
I`ve found a wealth of experience here at Autopia and really appreciate the fact that those of you with the experience are helpful in passing it along. Thanks! In that same spirit, I would like some input on how frequently each part of the process should be done.


- New car (0-5 years old, so it has a modern paint on it from a good manufacturer -- does age matter?)

- Daily driver (may or may not be garaged during night or day -- please note if this matters)


1. How often is it safe to polish with something as aggressive as DACP?

1a. How often is it recommended to polish with something as aggressive as DACP? (e.g. to remove microscratches)

2. How often is it safe to polish with a swirl remover?

2a. How often is it recommended to polish with a swirl remover?

3. How often is it safe to do the LSP (e.g., wax)?

3a. How often is it recommended to do/renew the LSP (e.g., wax)? (or how often is overkill?)

I assume that the answer to all of these is "as often as necessary". However, I`m hoping to find some rules of thumb so that I don`t go crazy... Okay, too late.

My guess is that the answer to 3 would be "any time you want". Is 1-2 months reasonable for 3a? Does the season (or climate) matter? I hope I`m not the only relative newbie that wants to know the answer to these questions.

07-20-2005, 05:08 PM
1. Depends a lot on clearcoat hardness. I`d try to keep it to once a year. Twice a year probably won`t kill ya either.

1a. No way to tell without a paint gauge. Every 2 years, maybe.

2. For a mild swirl remover like SSR1, monthly should be OK. For something like AIO or GEPC, you could do it every day if you wanted.

2a. I do it every 3 months or so, when I do my "full seasonal detail" and get my own car 100% perfect.

3. With proper technique, as often as you want. Watch out for little bits of dirt, etc, that could get on the foam pad. I`ve followed more than one wax job with Powergloss cause I wasn`t paying attention.

3a. For Souveran, monthly. For most waxes/sealants, every other month. For Collinite, FK2180 and Zaino, you could do it twice a year. If you can go that long without rewaxing :).

07-20-2005, 06:11 PM
3a. For Souveran, monthly. For most waxes/sealants, every other month. For Collinite, FK2180 and Zaino, you could do it twice a year. If you can go that long without rewaxing :). :LOLOL

So true!

07-22-2005, 06:50 AM
Thanks, Mighty!

Anyone else?