View Full Version : New Sonus Detailing Spritz

07-20-2005, 02:17 PM
Anyone tried the new Sonus QD - the description sounds very interesting?

"Sonus combined the qualities of its original “wax-specific” protective detailing sprays (Acrylic Spritz and Carnauba Spritz) to create a new ultra high gloss detailing spray that’s compatible with all wax and sealant systems. This new detailing spray offers greater protection and creates a super-slippery final finish with even more gloss. Sonus Detailing Spritz uses a combination of waxes and resin-polymers combined with newly discovered “wetting-agents” to create a detailing spray that cleans without removing existing wax protection and buffers light dust to prevent scratching.

The Sonus Detailing Spritz protection system adds a thin film of high-gloss protection that rivals the slickness and gloss of the very best waxes and sealants. In testing, regular use of Sonus Detailing Spritz doubled the life of even the most delicate carnauba wax systems.

Detail more with less! The new wetting-agents in Sonus Detailing Spritz help distribute the protection system more effectively. As a result, you’ll use less spray. The average size car requires an ounce of spray to detail after washing! "


Nick M
07-20-2005, 02:32 PM
I have not yet tried this or any of the Sonus `Spray` products. The time is approaching for another Autopia order though so may try some.

From the picture thread, I see you have a fair few Sonus products, how do you find them ?

07-20-2005, 02:35 PM
Will be interesting to compare to 4* UGE and Menzerna Acrylic Shield, some of my current favorites.

Seems like David is really stepping up the Sonus line these days. Lots of revamped products. Wonder if he`s working on an LSP?

- J

07-20-2005, 02:36 PM
Very good, the shampoo and clay are great! I`ve just ordered 2 bottles of this new spritz with my latest Autopia order, so we`ll see what it`s like - I intend to try it on top of UPP.

07-21-2005, 12:26 AM
Just recieved another 2 bottles off the Carnuba Spritz as its my fave QD, looking forward to seeing how this works, Seems like its going to be verstaile like QS. Keep us posted.