View Full Version : soaked carpets and mildew prevention.

07-18-2005, 08:56 PM
I had somebody call me today frantic that they left their windows open during the downpours we had here in NJ sunday. Its a jeep liberty and from what she said, she had a good amount of rain water inside. I know I need to remove the carpets but what I would like to know is what I can use on them to prevent mildew. This happened sunday. She shop vaced the water out moday and I cant get to it until wed. morning. With the heat and unbearable humidity NJ has seen in the past couple of days, Im sure mildew has already started to form. What to do???? :nixweiss

07-18-2005, 09:10 PM
A steam cleaner or a very good hot water extractor should kill any mildew. That`s a tough one.