View Full Version : No. 7 Vs. No. 3

07-18-2005, 10:47 AM
As a final glaze with a PC would Megs No. 7 Show Car Glaze or No. 3 Machine Glaze be better? Or would a completely different product be better, such as VM?

07-18-2005, 11:09 AM
If the surface is already perfect, and you`re ready to glaze (and ONLY a glaze), I`d go with Mequiars No. 7 Show Car Glaze. No. 3 Machine glaze has just a bit of very fine abrasive in it. By comparison, No.7 doesn`t rate on Maguires abrasiveness scale, No. 3 rates a 1 out of 10, and the No. 9 Swirl remover (for comparison only, since it`s not a glaze) rates a 3 out of 10 on Maguires abrasiveness scale. So, if there are still some very minor imperfections you want to work on, I`d go with No. 3, but No.7 should give you a bit more depth.

I`m not familiar with Vanilla Moose (VM), so I can`t comment on it`s suitability. I`m mostly a Meguiars person, since they have the most extensive line available over the counter in my area, but I`ve been known to mailorder Zaino and Colinite(sp?) products.

Hope this helps,

- Arved

07-18-2005, 11:24 AM
That`s exactly what I was looking for, I plan on doing any corrective polishing before with other products so it looks like No. 7 will be a perfect finishing polish.

Setec Astronomy
07-18-2005, 12:15 PM
If you haven`t bought anything yet, I would use the #81 Hand Polish rather than the #7. It`s a little easier to work with. I haven`t used very much of my VM, and only on glass so far, but from what people say it is much easier to work with than the Meg`s glazes.

07-18-2005, 12:23 PM
Of the Meg`s "pure polishes", I prefer #5. I only like/use #7 on single stage. #3 might contain some "abrasives", but for me it`s always been *functionally* nonabrasive. I`ve never had any indication that it abrades automotive paint, even when using it on soft lacquer. I used #3 after b/c paint came out, and I like it better for that than #7 (much more user friendly IMO). #7 probably looks the best (deeper/richer) but for me the difference isn`t worth using it over the others (#3/#5/#81).

VM`s abrasives are stronger than those of #3, but for most paints it won`t do any correction either. You could use it as a glaze after the final polishing without inducing any micromarring or taking off any paint. Hard to describe the difference in appearance between VM and the Meg`s products, but FWIW, my VM stays on the shelf most of the time. I dunno if it has the "richness" of the Meg`s glazes, but it does have plenty of shine and it lasts longer when left untopped. Also has more cleaning ability. Plenty of other people just *love* VM so :nixweiss which one will be right for you.