View Full Version : Question Concerning Dawn as initial wash

07-16-2005, 10:33 PM
Hello, I am delving into car detailing tomorrow. I am new to the whole operation (see my intro thread w/ new car pics here: New Member, New Car - Annapolis, MD (http://autopia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=59400)) and have thus read up and decided to go with the Zaino product line.

The car is brand new (5 miles on the odo when I picked her up) except for the 2 weeks and 570 miles she`s seen since pickup. I have yet to wash at all, as I wanted to get good products and some knowledge before tearing into the paint.

My primary question is in regards to the mix using Liquid Dawn as my initial wash agent. What is a good % mix of dawn to water? This is one thing I was unable to find amidst the Dawn vs. No Dawn debate.

Plan of Attack:

1) Spray off with hose

2) Wash with Liquid Dawn mixture (not sure of % yet) using 100% USA cotton towel.

3) Z-18 Claybar

4) Z-7 Wash using towel

5) ZFX + Z2 Application using Zaino #314 Applicator; let dry; buff cotton towel.

6) Z6 application using towel.

7) ZFX + Z5 using #314 applicator, buff with towel.

8) Z6

9) ZFX + Z2

10) Z6

11) Z-12 on the Glass, Z-16 on the Tires

Summary of Questions:

A) What % Water/Liquid Dawn mix is desirable?

B) Do I have the right type of dawn? Click for Zoom:

http://img314.echo.cx/img314/8722/dsc024467tc.th.jpg (http://img314.echo.cx/my.php?image=dsc024467tc.jpg)

C) Should I apply the full Zaino treatment to my rims to keep em clean and protected? They are BBS Forged Aluminum 17" Rims that come stock on an `05 STi.

See you all around,


07-16-2005, 11:46 PM
I use probably 1/2 oz per gallon. I would skip the Dawn and do Z7 wash with a Bill D acceptable sheepskin from Wal mart. Then clay, and use the Zaino products at will. Z5-Z6-Z5-Z6-Z2-Z6-Z2-Z6 and i think you just bought Sal a new house.

BTW that might be a little overkill, but more is better and less is more. Welcome to Zaino and to Autopia.

Yes you should do your rims.

07-16-2005, 11:54 PM
Your new car would need a very mild solution of Dawn. Should not be too much oil/silicone build-up on your finish

One capful of Dawn (excellent and safe degreaser) in 2 gallons of water along with one capful of Z7 (some degreasing power, excellent lube (claying) and excellent cleaning product) would be a good initial wash for "your" new vehicle.

I would clay as you proceed with the wash. This will eliminate the need for a second wash. Be careful about getting the Z18 too wet.

Wash panel and while panel is still soapy and wet - clay panel.


Proceed to complete the vehicle using the technique.


Z6 wipedown (aids in the spread on initial coat of Z).

Apply Z protectants. I would start with Z5 instead of Z2-PRO. Though interchangeable, the use of the Z5 is for minor blemish hiding. I would Z5/ZFX x2 and Z2-PRO x 1 on Day 1 or Z5/ZFX x 3 on Day1 and Z2-PRO x 2 or 3 on Day 2.

Yes, that is the correct Dawn.

Congrats on the new hot rod!!! :clap:

07-17-2005, 07:46 AM
Awesome, thanks for the recommendations guys. I`l go with a couple coats of the Z-5 first.

On the rims, give it the full Zaino regimen as I am and treating the body right?

07-17-2005, 07:53 AM
I am testing Z8 on my wheels right now.

After 400 miles, i washed them with megs wheel brush, and rinsed, still beading :)

07-17-2005, 09:04 AM
JBM, what did you use on the wheels before applying the Z8?

07-17-2005, 08:00 PM
You can skip the Z6 between coats on the rims, it`ll just add to the time with probably no noticeable improvement.