View Full Version : EX-P ontop of P21S ontop of EX-P ontop...

Evil Weevil
07-14-2005, 05:45 AM
I have my car topped with EX-P, and a layer (2 in places) of P21S on top of that.

Is it OK to repeat the process after a regular wash or QD? I`m a little worried about putting the EX-P ontop of the P21S - is there a problem doing this?

07-14-2005, 06:06 AM
Others will probaby know better but it`s my opinion that EX-P won`t bond properly on top of P21S cause it`s nauba based. I don`t think you`ll harm a whole lot since EX-P has no removal abilities but you`ll be wasting your time and product.

07-14-2005, 06:09 AM
I agree. Probably a waste of time and product. I put EX-P over Paste Glaz once when I accidentally did the process incorrectly. It wasn`t very slick at all, and the look wasn`t that great either. I redid it the next day because it was so bad.

Evil Weevil
07-14-2005, 11:13 AM
Thanks guys, so I`ll just keep on adding the P21 (very thinly) until or unless I decide to a complete `prep`n`polish` job? I guess I`ll know the time when the paint surface starts grabbing the mf again?

07-14-2005, 12:03 PM
Yeah basically just a wash/wax schedule going, and do that until you decide to do the whole polish/cleaner/sealant process.

You can QD in between waxing too, which will restore the slickness of the paint. You`ll probably find that the MFs grab the paint a bit after washing, since most soaps can really rob the paint of its slickness.

Evil Weevil
07-14-2005, 12:26 PM
I use the Poorboys Spray & Wipe, followed by their QD+, then top-up with P21S if there`s time. This seems to keep the car pretty smooth.

I notice you use Blue Natty`s on your Maxima - does this reduce the `whiteness` of your paint compared with their standard carnauba?