View Full Version : Ice Storm

01-02-2005, 11:19 AM
Well last night in MN we had a lil ice storm. so this morning not thinking we had gotton to much i went out and checked out my baby (car). well here is what i find. probaly about a 1/8 to a 1/4 inch of ice covering the whole thing. you can see it easiest by the windshild wiper blades on one of the pics. oh man this is goin to take awhile to thaw....... :ticked





01-02-2005, 11:23 AM
Wow!! That looks really pretty (pretty cold, that is!!!) :lol

01-02-2005, 11:26 AM
i had to move it to get it in the sun so it could start melting....and i had to stand on the running boards since i couldnt see out of ANY of my windows. not even alil..it was completly black inside my car. i could barely see where the ignition was.

01-02-2005, 04:14 PM
Yea, thats about how my vehicles looked this morning. Madison also got hit. Started about 12:30 in the afternoon and went through the evening. It just plain sucks!

01-02-2005, 09:13 PM
hey pappy..

funny we didnt get all the ice up the street.. o wait we did my car was just in the garage. But doesnt that read paint pop. Who helped you detail that fine machine?


01-02-2005, 09:55 PM
hahah funny...hey wait whos goiin to help me chip it off before school tommorrow so i dont have to stick my head out the window..hahah


i got most of the ice off from the letting the sun beat on it all day.

01-02-2005, 10:39 PM

You can call me and i will come over and help you. We will have time before school afterall. Our school is delayed 2 hours late.. the night before school.. thats the only good thing about minnesota. SNow DAyz
