View Full Version : Do you get better results .....

Mirror Images
07-10-2005, 04:56 PM
Do you get better results putting megs #20 or EXP down first and then topping off with the pinnacle signature paste or just putting down the pinnacle signature down after polishing the car (my car is a dark red fire metallic)?

If you add a polymer sealant down first then the carnuba, when the carnuba wears off will you still have the polymer sealant there to protect the paint? Thanks.


07-10-2005, 05:29 PM
I can`t answer to the specifics of #20, EXP, or the Pinnacle wax, but I believe that a carnauba topped polymer sealant will give you better longevity than just plain carnauba alone. If you are mainly interested in looks vs. longevity that is a different story altogether.

Yes, you will still have the polymer sealant present once the carnauba topper wears off.

Mirror Images
07-10-2005, 06:27 PM
I know its just an opinion, but which looks better just the carnuba or a polymer under the carnuba? I am not looking for longevity....just looks.

07-10-2005, 08:11 PM
If you want protection with longevity go with KSG without a doubt. I do show cars with KSG and P21S or Pinnacle as a topper. SG gives great depth to darker colors and brings out metallics. I suggest P21S for darker paints and Pinnacle works great on lighter and metallics.

Mirror Images
07-11-2005, 03:56 AM
Thanks for the advice on products to use. I was wondering which will make the car look better....straight carnuba or a polymer underneath the carnuba ( don`t care about what products to use, I just want opinions as to which looks better.....straight carnuba or a polymer topped with carnuba)? I am going for looks and not longevity. The car is a red fire metallic. Thanks.


07-11-2005, 06:20 AM
I would say it would look best with one layer of polymer, and a coat or two of carnauba.