View Full Version : SSR 2.5 and SSR1 - help

07-09-2005, 03:16 AM
hi there, let me start by introducing myself, i`m from Portugal and have a black opel corsa sport turbo diesel, really hot machine... :bigups

i was wondering if i can use SSR 2.5 and then go straight to SSR 1.0 without having to use SSR 2.0

what would be the advantage to use all three from the more agressive to the less agressive ->2.5 ->2.0 ->1.0


07-09-2005, 05:23 AM
Sure u can. Are you using by hand or pc or rotary?

If u were using PC, hit it up a 5.5 OPM w/ssr2.5 and then 3-4OPM with ssr1.

07-09-2005, 05:31 AM
i`m working with bosch pex 400 orbital polisher, not as good as the PC but it works... :)

should i use a polishing pad with SSR2.5 and then a finishing pad with 1.0 or a polishing pad too?

Mad iX
07-09-2005, 05:33 AM
Either polishing pad or cutting pad with SSR2.5, and polishing pad with SSR1.

Depending on your paint, you might only need SSR2.5 with polishing pad and then you can go straight to LSP.

07-11-2005, 12:08 PM
Its about diminshing abrassives, the older polishes or heavier compound like 3M medium duty or Megiuars #1 needs a lighter compound to remove the swrils left by these compounds. DACP, 2.5, 2.0 diminish enough to where its working like a very light SMP before your wiping it off. Think of it as it becomes a 1.5 after working it in that you only need to use SSR1 to final polish it on dark colors. SSR2.5 can be used straight to wax on light colors like white. 2.0 is just not necessary after 2.5, but maybe needed after SSr3.