View Full Version : anybody from so cal area..?

07-09-2005, 12:32 AM
hi im a newbie on detailing.. and would love to meet up with someone to learn the proper way to detail my car.. my black car is a year old.. yet already has a bunch of swirls.. if anybody is willing to get me started on my feet.. id appreciate it .. haha ill buy all the stuff we need. thanx again.. oh ya btw i live in fullerton, ca so if u live nearby lemme know.. thanks again ahead of time.

07-09-2005, 12:35 PM
Go to one of the Meguiars Detail Days event on Saturday morning in Irvine. Mike Phillips puts on a good event, shows you how to clay, hand polish, machine polish and wax. Their website is MeguiarsOnline.com Their calendar shows what weekends he`s doing it for what club. If the club doesn`t fill up the event you can wait list to get in or join the club doing the event if it applies.