View Full Version : Help Needed What Nevr-Dull...What Am I Doing Wrong?

07-07-2005, 11:35 AM
After reading about this stuff online, I picked some up and gave it a try...worked pretty darn good at removing the light stuff, but several minutes after going over an area, a cloudy haze appears on the metal. The haze can be rubbed off if done quickly, but seems to continually reappear.

Has anyone here experienced something like this?

If it makes any difference, following the directions, immediately after using the Nevr-Dull, I did wipe off the residue (with a terry towel).


07-07-2005, 11:47 AM
It`s normal. Nevr Dull is primarily made up of mineral spirits and you are just seeing the leftover residue. Just wipe it off like you have been doing. I usually use a spray bottle with some water to spray the wheel a little and then just wipe it off to make sure all of the residue is removed.