View Full Version : Wax, Sealent, Polishing OVER Vinyl Graphics?

07-05-2005, 07:29 PM
On my Bike I have Vinyl decals (in 6 months the car will to)... my question is, can you still use:

The Claybar

#83 with PC

#80 with PC

AIO with PC

WG Sealent with PC

Pink Wax with PC

or will these rip up the Vinyl or what?

Thanks all!

a.k.a. Patrick
07-05-2005, 09:16 PM
Very slowly with a PC, well, not a snails pace, but you just have to be a little cautious. I dont think I would venture into the 83 world though. Use a soft foam pad when applying sealants naturally. Out of all the products mentioned, 83 is the only one that I could see possibly causing any problems.....

Hand would be preferred, as you would really like to parallel the lines of the graphics edge.....