View Full Version : Help REmoving surface defects

12-30-2004, 08:52 PM

I got a pc for christmas and got a bunch of supplies in the mail today so i decided to test it out on my dads 2000 ford truck (black).

So i:

hi temp light cut.. via PC and LC orange cutting pad starting at 3 and working til 5..

I didnt see any difference in surface defects.... spider webbing and light scratches..

So i went for my HT med cut. it also did nothing..

Next i tried Klasse AIo

It was quite shiny and lightened some defects but barely.

Will clay help remove my swirls and defects?

ANy ideas for what will work to get the paint scratch free.

I gave up .. becuz i was going insane..

Any help would be great.......


12-30-2004, 09:24 PM

other then that your only listing one pad did you change pads?? clean the pad???? that could be your problem


12-30-2004, 09:34 PM
Clay doesn`t do anything for swirls. You need to use a compound with abrasives in it. I would recommend trying again and spend at least 5 minutes on each panel. Spend 10 minutes on the hood and larger panels. Work the product till the pad is buffing it back off again. Then clean the pad before you move to the next panel. Check your work frequently. I usually start with the hood and work on that till the swirls are gone. That gives me an idea of how long I need to spend on the rest of the car.

12-30-2004, 11:53 PM

My highspeed net is down and i am using my gfs dial up.. so i cant post pics.. sorry,,

I will try again tommarow using med cut.. which i believe is a heavy abrasive.. with a cutting pad.. hopefully that will work..

Any other suggestions..?

12-31-2004, 01:44 AM
I had these problems as a newbie a few months ago. With many defects you have to work on a very small area (maybe 1 square foot) going over it v e r y s l o w l y and applying a little pressure. You may need to go over the same area with a compound and a cutting pad as much as three or four times,then followup with a lighter polish and another pad to get rid of hazing or marring before applying the wax.

If the clearcoat is hard and the scratches seem noticeable, you may only be able to minimize the defects. And don`t expect to get it all done in a weekend.

Working with a skilled Autopian, it took us 3 hours to just clean up the trunk of my car.

You might need to try other products too, such as Megs Fine Cut #2 or slightly less abrasive, 3M PI-III Rubbing Compound.

Good luck.

12-31-2004, 01:49 AM
other then that your only listing one pad did you change pads?? clean the pad???? that could be your problem

You still need to answer these...

Aio shouldn`t be used with a cutting pad so if your doing that it`s not good you`ll be placing more scratchs them you`ll be taking off.. a polishing pad would be better..

12-31-2004, 12:32 PM
yes he did clean the pad when switching product. And he switched to polishing pad for aio