View Full Version : My first attempt with my PC *not 56k friendly*

07-02-2005, 10:06 AM
This is my 1st attempt with my new PC and real detailing supplies. I`ve been reading a lot and hopefully I can get better with experience. This is a `94 4-Runner. Probably not the best to try and learn on. The paint is in BAD shape. There are slight areas of oxidation, numerous rock chips, and I swear the clear coat is almost gone. I hit it with SSR 2.5 and the pad was looking mighty black. :wall I didn`t come close to getting rid of all the swirls, but I did take care of a good bit of them. And yeah, I only did the hood since I am experimenting.

Feel free to add input positive or negative...I really want to get good at this before I do my M3.

Before anything



I`ll skip the middle part, but I did Poorboys wash soap, SSR 2.5, SSR 1, EX-P, then Natty`s.

End result. (THose are all rock chips in the hood, it looks a little like dust :nervous2: )




07-02-2005, 12:55 PM
Looks pretty good.

Suggestion to reduce the size of your pics next time. I`m using a 21" monitor and they`re hard to see.

07-02-2005, 01:05 PM
Smaller Pics please!