View Full Version : Family Friends early retirement gift

06-29-2005, 10:44 PM


Only in his late 50s but one of the most successful doctors in our area. One of the hardest working men I have ever seen or know withthe best work ethic of anyone I know. He is a true inspiration to me and is why I want to study hard in college and hopefully make it through medical school. Its located in Colorado and he and his wife fly up there atleast once a month. Leave the house in either a SC BMW 540 sport wagon, BMW 745i or Porsche 911 Turbo, fly in his Falcon 10 to colorado where a Land Rover Discovery waits for him to take him to his lovely house upon a hill. He truely deserves everything bit of credit and respect a person can offer to him.

06-29-2005, 11:21 PM
thats cool and all, but you seem a bit caught up in material things. good for him though

06-29-2005, 11:45 PM
Hooray for greed!

On a more serious note, if you work for it, why the hell not enjoy it :).

06-30-2005, 12:14 AM
thats cool and all, but you seem a bit caught up in material things. good for him though

Its not a crime to enjoy nice cars and a nice house. But thats not the reason why I want to become a doctor. Even now doctors do not make nearly as much as they once did and its only going to get worse over the next 20 years with malpractice insurance running upwards of $200K-$500K depending on the type doctor which is more then some doctors make which is also why you see alot of doctors beginning to retire. It isnt a big deal in the news but there is going to be a doctor shortage in the next 2 decades because smaller doctors and practioners can barely break even. I have always tried to my best at everthing I do and have always wanted to help others that is why I tutor kids and is why I want to get into the medical field. Yes money is apart of it, I will not lie about that, but not the main reason I wish to aspire to be a doctor.