View Full Version : Looking for a PDA

06-29-2005, 09:58 AM
I don`t need anything fancy. I don`t need to watch movies and stuff on it. I just want something good and simple to keep track of business and stuff.

What do you all recommend?

06-29-2005, 01:00 PM
I only have experience with the Palm handhelds. I have a Tungsten 5 that I really like. The screen is pretty good and fairly large as well. One nice feature is that the "writing" are expands and collapses to give you more screen space. I read eBooks on it all the time and the text is pretty crisp and clear. I`m on a Mac and use Micro$oft Entourage for my contacts, to do lists, calendar, etc... and it syncs perfectly. It also has bluetooth so it will connect with my cell phone if I need it too.

06-29-2005, 04:01 PM
kgb, I have experience with Palm PDAs too. Be prepared for obsolescence very quickly with these things, my current one is not fully compatible with XP, and remember they are not "serviceable". If the battery dies you just throw it away. Try and see if you can get an extended warranty.

What has become very popular are things like the Blackberry and similar devices which also have a Mobile (Cell) phone.

06-29-2005, 05:01 PM
i have a palm treo 650. Its a pda and a cell phone..its very very good as a pda and also is a great phone. The only problem is its kind of pricey. But if you open a new account with the cell phone company its not that bad. I got mine for $450 after opening a second line.

06-29-2005, 05:37 PM
I had a Sony Clie, it sucked, very hard to figure out. Now have a Palm Zire 72s. It is very easy, have a TomTom Navigation system on it, works great. Has expense data.

06-30-2005, 05:02 AM
Hmmm, I was actually looking at the Zire 72s. It is sort of between the Zire and Dell Axim 30. I think I might actually like the Windows OS better but can not decide.

06-30-2005, 05:42 AM
my friend owns his own business (not detailing) and has a Del Axim, keeps his expense and income data on it and is very happy with it. I do not think you will go wrong with either windows os or palm os. It depends on what you want for extras (camera, bluetooth, voice memo) , internal memory, replaceable battery (I do not think the zire has a replaceable battery or if any have one for that matter, but it is worth looking into.) There is a new Palm out, the Lifedrive or something, $500, but has like 4G of memory, but no camera. Good luck in finding one.

06-30-2005, 09:08 AM
I am thinking of the Dell x30 non wireless. I was looking at the fancier models but I really don`t need anything all that fancy. My cousin might be able to get me a good deal on a HP as well so I am waiting to hear back from him in a couple of days.