View Full Version : WG sealant - dusty?

06-26-2005, 10:14 PM
I just did a job with 2 coats of WG sealant on a black Marauder (ssr2.5 then AIO prep). It looked great to an untrained eye, however there was a small amount of smearing I couldn`t remedy in the time alotted. It was applied in a VERY humid environment which may have contributed to the smearing (90degrees/90% humidity). The WG was let set for about 8 hrs before removing the second coat. I`m also curious if the 2 coats of WG combined and created too thick of a coat. One complaint was that it did seam to be a dust magnet. Maybe thats just black in general because it shows EVERYTHING, but has anyone else noticed a dust attraction? Also, a word of caution to anyone who might detail a Marauder, I`ve heard from other people and there were signs on this car that the paint was very thin.

06-27-2005, 12:14 PM
It`s static and goes away with first wash, happens a lot of the time. Try using different type towels to remove residue, MF seams to bring this on but I`ve heard other towels might keep the static away. Wolf is so easy to remove you don`t need MF like you do with most other sealants for easy removal.