View Full Version : Poorboys polish w/carnuba vs EX products

06-26-2005, 12:45 PM
Just this weekend I started w/ SSR2, then polish w/carnuba followed by Natty`s blue paste wax, car looks great. But, would I be better off using EX, or EXP before the Natty`s?

Also, does anyone have a take on the poorboys products (both the polish w/carnuba and EX products vs. the Klasse AIO and HGSG?

Thanks everyone!

06-26-2005, 01:12 PM
Also, does anyone have a take on the poorboys products (both the polish w/carnuba and EX products vs. the Klasse AIO and HGSG?

While I don`t have experience with AIO or HGSG, or EX, I do with PWC. This is a great one step product if you`re in a pinch and don`t want to do multiple steps. Of course, you could use PWC as part of your multiple step process if you wanted to. I stopped using Meguiar`s gold class years ago after I first used this product. Easy on/easy off, even in the sun.

06-26-2005, 01:26 PM
EX will most likely last longer than PwC and Natty`s. Maybe next try EX topped with Natty`s.