View Full Version : LC Red pad

06-25-2005, 08:48 PM
Anyone ever use the LC red pad. The description says its good for fine waxes and sealants. I was considering using it for Zaino. I`ve never heard much talk about them on here.

06-26-2005, 07:59 AM
I have it but I have not used it yet or any for that matter. I don`t have the Black pad for glazing and I wonder how well the Red pad is for glazing. I mean both the Red & Black must have no cutting action, pluse applying wax or sealant should be easy even if you apply it by hand.

06-26-2005, 12:31 PM
They both have no cutting action, but I was wondering if the red is better sealants? I also wonder if the red would soak up less product or more?

Mr Monk
06-26-2005, 06:22 PM
I recently started using the RED pad for applying UPP. Works nicely in laying down a thin layer which is essential in applying this prodcut.

What I`ve been doing lately is storing my pads in individual baggies. I mark on the baggie the product I use with it. This way I won`t accidentally mix chemicals on the pad.

I haven`t noticed the RED pad soaking up UPP in any excess. You are right, these pads have no cutting power whatsoever.

I think it`s a good pad to have in our collection of pads for the PC.

06-26-2005, 06:47 PM
it is a good pad. Its a lot plusher than the black pad, but the last time i used it with WG when i went to clean it it took forever to remove all of the product from the pad. so its a good pad in general but it can be hard to clean afterwards.