View Full Version : How many washes out of Spray and Wipe ?

06-24-2005, 12:24 PM
Finally had a moment to try Spray and Wipe yesterday. I`ve been painting my house the past few weeks after work and weekends whenever possible. Needless to say, I was exhausted. I had some muck around the wheel wells from some gray stuff I drove through. So I went at the car with the intention of just cleaning up this muck around the wheels.

I was surprised at how easy this stuff worked with a MF. It was like one of those magic cleaning products you see on TV when the guy sprays the mess on the oven and it wipes away with one pass. So this lead me to moving to the quarterpanel and eventually did the whole car. Finished up at dusk, so it looked clean, but I couldn`t really tell how good it was. This morning, got in the car half asleep and made it to work without getting a good look at it. Lunch time, I was a little blown back with the sun and all. :cool:

So anyway, How many cars do you guyz get out of a 16 oz bottle ?....I figure I used about 1/10th of the bottle (just eyeballing). I`m guessing I used too much. :think:

Does the sprayer spray or stream ?....I have a few new products hanging around with a bunch of different new spray nozzles, so I`m not sure I picked up the right one. I`m also thinking I didn`t twist the nozzle enough in my sleepwalk state. :o