View Full Version : using NXT in sun ??

06-24-2005, 10:32 AM
Hi all!

I am planning on cleaning up my Sunfire today after work using NXT, but it will be in the sun. I have used it in the sun before , but it wasn`t 32 degrees outside. Anyone have any experinces with NXT in these conditions and maybe some tips ?

I wonder if it`s better to do one panel at a time, then wipe off ? or do the whole car at once ??


06-24-2005, 11:03 AM
NXT dries up pretty fast in the sun so the weather better be cool, and not like the 90 degree sun we are having in So. Cal. I would do one panel at a time if I was gonna do it.

06-24-2005, 01:52 PM
Have your app. in one hand and an mf in the other. I had to do this on a black mustang when it was 95 out and it turned out fine. Do one panel at a time and wipe off as soon as your done applying, it will dry very quick!

06-24-2005, 03:43 PM
I`ve used it in the sun on warm (70-75) degree days in the sun on a medium blue car with no problems. I think working a section at a time, appying and removing you should be okay, just try to avoid doing it at straight up noon.