View Full Version : What`s your method in removing dried bug carcasses?

06-23-2005, 05:16 PM
Any magical product or method out there?

06-23-2005, 05:54 PM
Just Z7 or QEW and water and allow to dwell and using an ExcelDetail MF soft scubbie to wipe away.

Serious bug body removal (after an all night drive) - my pressure washer.

Nothing magical here except my LSP of choice (Zaino) :hide: really aids in their removal. Bugs never really become too glued to finish.

06-23-2005, 06:05 PM
Wash, then claybar. Works for me.

06-24-2005, 07:27 AM
If you keep a good enough coat of wax/sealant you should be able to remove them fairly easily. From my experience, even if they become baked in, I found that you can remove them with a PC and some good polish.

06-24-2005, 07:40 AM
If you keep a good enough coat of wax/sealant you should be able to remove them fairly easily. From my experience, even if they become baked in, I found that you can remove them with a PC and some good polish.

Yeah ... I was thinking of other`s cars that I do.

Dead bugs don`t get to RIP on my personal vehicle very long. :D

06-24-2005, 09:05 AM
Any magical product or method out there?

I have used this for years wet a towel or two if area isl arge, and let the towels soak the bugs soft while you work on the rest of the car.


06-24-2005, 09:28 AM
PBs Bird **** Remover and a MF.

06-24-2005, 09:53 AM
After the car is washed, it`s easier to see what`s what. I walk around the car with a little bit of orange de-greaser or Goo-Gone on my (clean!) fingertip, to dissolve any bug splats or road tar that the regular washing didn`t deal with. Then the Goo-Gone smear itself has to be washed away. QD might do this, but I just use my regular mitt and wash solution. Finally, the area gets re-waxed to replace any carnauba that the Goo-Gone might have removed.

Sometimes if I`m feeling lazy, I use Mother`s Cleaner Wax on those smudges, after washing. It saves the de-greaser and spot-cleaning steps, and the end result is very nearly as good. Haven`t tried this on black, tho.

06-26-2005, 05:57 PM
Wash, then claybar. Works for me.

thats what I did after a 7k mile (travled NM to MI and back) traveling and didnt clean it well buggs were covere up my hood, front, and windshield it was horrible and the only thing that got it out was claying it.

06-26-2005, 06:40 PM
Where I work (Dealer, I know I know...), we use some kind of APC, I think it is "Clear Reflections All Purpose Cleaner". We also use it for tires, and it really takes the grunge off them. I`m guessing it is similar to Hi-Temp Xtreme Clean which according to Seans wheel and tire cleaning, does the same thing. For bugs, wet the area, then spray the APC on, let dwel for a few seconds, then scrub it a little with whatever you`re washing with. I`d recommend washing/blasting with the hose first to knock all the "larger chunks". Tomorrow I get to do this yet again on a trade-in 98` or so beige metallic Grand Prix.

The other day, I was able to spray down a radiator to get rid of that nasty bug smell. Wet, spray, blast with water.