View Full Version : Detailing a car without washing?

06-23-2005, 05:20 AM
I have completely switch over to Zaino and i am loving it. What i want to know is what is the best way to clean the car. For example after putting all that hours into cleaning the car and i drive it out and back in the evening. I want some ideas on how to re-use the z6/z8. Yesterday when it rained i took the car home and after few minutes, i wiped off the dust with a clean MF. Then i applied Z6 and wiped it off with another clean MF. then i finally applied Z8. Is this the best way without having to wash the car all over again??? Another question i have is i have noticed when i wipe the car down with either z6/z8 i have notice some white haze after it dries and i usually just re-wipe the car again and it is done. What might be causing this haze?

a.k.a. Patrick
06-23-2005, 05:32 AM
Any Z users in here that could help this lad out ?

06-23-2005, 05:47 AM
I woudl say the white haze is due to useing too much product or perhaps its very humid where you are, or using the product in the sun?

I know most guys reserve using thier Z8 for just after a wash. Beinng that Z8 is a sealant it works best on a perfectly clean car. I use Z6 between washes just to keep up appearences. if the car has some road grime but not heavily dirty I perfer S&W. I use the Z6 on just light dust. ( My car is black and I`m overly carefull..)

06-23-2005, 07:03 AM
I would guess the haze is coming from too much product or humidity (like Intercooled said). I`ve run into streaking under these two conditions, but not a white haze. It`s also important that Z6 doesn`t dry while it`s on the paint. You`d be surprised how little Z6 you need to do a wipe down.

If the car has been rained on, driven and then parked, I`m not always comfortable with just doing a wipe down. The level of dirtyness will determine whether I`ll do a wipe down or not. Most of the time I`ll wait until the next wash, or use QEW.

One of the coolest things I notice about Zaino (especially if it`s a fresh application), is when it rains out, it stops raining and then go for a drive at a decent speed. The car seems to wash itself and then when you get back home, you just have to take care of the lower half. :cool: Also seems to have that effect when there`s a hard down pour.

06-23-2005, 07:21 AM
I do believe its from humidity. When I used Zaino it was finicky in humid weather.

06-23-2005, 09:09 PM
One of the coolest things I notice about Zaino (especially if it`s a fresh application), is when it rains out, it stops raining and then go for a drive at a decent speed. The car seems to wash itself and then when you get back home, you just have to take care of the lower half.

You haven`t noticed that with any other LSPs? Every wax I`ve used has cleaned itself off at 35mph+.

06-24-2005, 06:14 AM
You haven`t noticed that with any other LSPs? Every wax I`ve used has cleaned itself off at 35mph+.

Yupppp even when I used cheap OTC stuff back in the day I had the same happen...

06-24-2005, 07:14 AM
I have had it with other freshly applied LSPs, but that effect seems to last longer with Z. NXT does it too, but not after a few weeks. SG did it as well, but not as long either.