View Full Version : First-timer to PC7424 and Z-PC, please advise...

06-17-2005, 06:30 PM
I`m still very much a noob here with only a couple months of detailing experience under my belt. I`ve been using the complete Zaino line and love it. I`m now moving on to the next hurdle and purchasing an orbital buffer. The PC seems to be the standard here so I plan to go for that... after a little froogling, I think I`ll be ordering from this place since it runs around 120 plus some extra 6" pad and counterweights are included: http://www.coastaltool.com/cgi-bin/welcome.pl?ref=froogle+page=/a/port/7424_car_buffer.htm

I`ve also ordered up some Z-PC. I have a lot to learn about polishing and will do a lot more reading on the site, but in the meantime can someone recommend a polish or compound which is effectively the next stage up in terms of abrasiveness. I have a few significant scratches that I imagine will be too much for Z-PC (which is a guess since I haven`t used it yet and have no polishing experience for that matter). From what I read though, I imagine Z-PC to be the final polish to use??? Is that correct, and if so, what would be next step up in abrasiveness?

I`ll also have to do some research to help guide me on which pads to get but I know there`s ample info in this forum. Course, wouldn`t mind hearing any tips about using the PC with the Zaino line from using ZPC, to applying polishes to buffing. I`m hoping that it`ll help me apply Z2 more thin as I think I waste too much (almost 3oz. per coat on Mustang). Think I saw Concours bonnets which would probably do a better job with the PC than my hand buffing does with similar towels. Thanks for any suggestions!

06-18-2005, 03:22 AM
What color is your Mustang ?

I`ve been able to remove blemishes and mionor scratches/swirls using Meg`s DACP on an orange pad with my PC at 5 or 6.

I`ve applied Zaino via PC with a polishing pad. I lightly (emphasis on lightly) mist the pad with Z6 and apply 3 or 4 small spots of Z2 or Z5 to the pad for 1 panel. I run the PC at about 1 or 2 max. I find that this applies it in a nice thin, & even coat. I use maybe 1 ounce or slightly less to do 1 coat on my Max.

If you currently using 3 ounces to do 1 coat on your Mustang you are appliyng it way to thick.

I buff it off using a MF cloth.


06-21-2005, 12:46 PM
The Mustang is a metallic green (Legend Lime) but the Z-PC is for my 98 "beater" Neon which is a cherry red color. I went ahead and grabbed a PC from Lowes (7336) and ordered Sonus DAS pads and Sonus SFX-1 from autopia. So I guess I`ll be using the 5" Flex backplate with the 6" counterweight. Hopefully that will be well balanced.

So, my polishing arsenal will just consist of ZPC and SFX-1. Should that work for a car with mild to moderate surface problems? I guess I`ll first try the ZPC on the problem areas to see what effect it has. But I plan on using SFX-1 on just the problem areas and then using ZPC on the entire paint. I presume I would use the Sonus orange pad with the SFX-1. Would I use the green or blue pad with the ZPC (I`m guessing green)?

It`ll be interesting using the PC on my Neon which has decals down the sides as well as a run a painted trim that runs the length of the sides. I guess I`ll work the PC close to the decals and plastic trim but will hand polish near the very edge. I`ll read up more in the polishing forum first.

ohhh and yeah, I`m somehow wasting my Z2PRO as it does take me 3oz per coat... I`m at a loss here as I even dampen my applicator with water and then liberally coat it with Z6. Is overdoing the dampening potentially screwing me up? When I apply Z2 I simply look to ensure that I`ve left a film of it. If I don`t see the film, I re-hit the area.