View Full Version : Zaino Bottle Cleaning Solution

06-14-2005, 10:59 PM
I`m not sure if someone has said this before or not: After my details today I tried putting half a capful of QEW in the 4 ounce Zaino bottle that is used for the ZFX mixing, and snap it was clean. After swishing I just added a little hot water and that bottle was clean. Makes me rethink if QEW removes sealant when used, I will have to do some testing on that 1. Anyhow, QEW is the only thing that works for me so I thought I`d share it.

06-14-2005, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Burlyq

I`m not sure if someone has said this before or not: After my details today I tried putting half a capful of QEW in the 4 ounce Zaino bottle that is used for the ZFX mixing, and snap it was clean. After swishing I just added a little hot water and that bottle was clean. Makes me rethink if QEW removes sealant when used, I will have to do some testing on that 1. Anyhow, QEW is the only thing that works for me so I thought I`d share it.

Good to know especially since I`ve been transferring product to smaller bottles to contriol usage, but I doubt it I`m sure the hot water and shaking on not fully set in Z is what cleaned it well, Dawn usually does it well for me. Let us know

06-14-2005, 11:02 PM
I doubt that QEW will remove a "cured" sealant. I don`t even find that some contaminates come off that easy with it. I do wonder what is in it that dissolves the Z though.

06-14-2005, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by SpoiledMan

I doubt that QEW will remove a "cured" sealant. I don`t even find that some contaminates come off that easy with it. I do wonder what is in it that dissolves the Z though.

I`m sure its the anti-Z compounds, too many conspiracies around here:p

06-15-2005, 06:29 AM
I made the mistake of letting a bottle of Z2 Pro (w/ ZFX) sit for about two hours before I (tried) to clean it. No go. I never had a problem with Z2 or Z5, but the Z2 Pro is a b***h to clean up. Left an oily film in the bottle that I absolutely cannot remove. Also had a rough time getting my applicators (Viking Sure Grip) clean.

06-15-2005, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by kompressornsc

I made the mistake of letting a bottle of Z2 Pro (w/ ZFX) sit for about two hours before I (tried) to clean it. No go. I never had a problem with Z2 or Z5, but the Z2 Pro is a b***h to clean up. Left an oily film in the bottle that I absolutely cannot remove. Also had a rough time getting my applicators (Viking Sure Grip) clean.

I stopped using Viking-type sponge applicators right after the introduction of ZFX. Could never completely clean with the curing process accelerated by the ZFX.

QEW (concentrated) has some type of detergent that will dissolve any uncured protectant. I use QEW (4 caps in 32oz water) as a QD with zero effect on durability or the Zaino effects on my finishes.

Dawn and hot water works for me. No problem with residual in bottle when using such. I normally use 5 and 10cc disposable syringes and toss afterwards.

06-15-2005, 07:50 AM
Interesting tid bit on QEW..... I was never able to get the old Z2 and ZFX out of those little bottles. I used dawn and water with no luck. Probably waited too long. I`ve been using the syringe since then. Easy to use and I can practically get out every last drop. With the little bottles, I always had some left.

I agree, QEW isn`t going to remove a cured sealant.