View Full Version : Fine hairline scratches

06-14-2005, 08:42 AM
I detailed my 04 black E320 over the weekend with AIO + SG (2 layers) and S100. Today, I see lots of fine hair line scratches all over places. Why? I didn`t clean the car since then. I didn`t pay attention that the scratches were there when I used my clean MF to take off the wax.

If I put another layer of S100, will it cover the scratches?

Can I put more layer of SG without using AIO again?

What is the best recommendation? I spend almost 12hrs over the weekend for it already. If I use AIO, then I have to start all over again.

Thanks for the advice.

06-14-2005, 09:00 AM
If you haven`t cleaned it since you did this process, then I`d have to guess that those scratches were there when you detailed it. Did you polish the car at all to remove scratches/swirls before AIO/SG/S100?

I`m not sure if S100 has any fillers to fill scratches, but since waxes aren`t pefectly transparent, the scratches may appear a bit reduced after more S100.

SG won`t bond over a wax, so once you`ve put the S100 on, you`re stuck with adding more S100 or another carnauba.

If these scratches are indeed very fine, then you should be able to use a light polish to remove them, then AIO,SG,S100. I`d use SSR1 or SSR2 on a polishing pad.

06-14-2005, 09:12 AM
I didn`t use any polish before AIO+SG+S100. I thought AIO was strong enough to remove scratches. Is it necessary? The paint is very new. It`s a 04 E320 and always garage.

Please help me...I need to know. Do I need polish before AIO? I will redo the process if I have to.

06-14-2005, 10:02 AM
Well, the problem comes in the many meanings of polish. AIO is a chemical polish, it`ll remove oxidation, etc. You need an abrasive polish, like Poorboy`s SSR 1/2, Meg`s #80 or Menzerna FPII to remove scratches. If it were me, I`d add another coat of S100, live with it for a month or so until the S100 wears off, then Menzerna FPII it and cover with your LSP of choice (I`d highly suggest switching from the Klasse twins, because you can get equally good results in a fraction of the time with Menzerna FMG or UPP).

Or, if you really want to knock your socks off, polish it with FPII, use vanilla moose, and then go straight to a good carnuba (Souveran and FK1 Pink come to mind).

06-14-2005, 10:19 AM
I will give it another coat of S100 and live with it. After 1 month, I will use Poorboy;s SSR1/1 before Klasse twin

06-14-2005, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by tyltan1

I will give it another coat of S100 and live with it. After 1 month, I will use Poorboy;s SSR1/1 before Klasse twin

Welcome to Autopia! Sorry to hear you spotted the marring after doing all that work.

You may well find that you need something more aggressive than the SSR1 to remove it. Sometimes (often ;) ) getting rid of marring is a lot tougher than people expect.

06-14-2005, 06:16 PM
Not to hijack this thread, but what product can i apply by hand that will help me reduce swirls??? No PC yet!!