View Full Version : stage 1 paint questions

06-10-2005, 01:28 AM
i have a friend that has stage 1 paint (no clearcoat) on his car. he has some bad water spots on it. when he clayed he said it seemed to take some of the paint off. can someone explain to me what he should do to the car? (claying, polishing, wax?) btw the car is red.

thanks, rob

06-10-2005, 04:47 AM
It sounds like oxidation, try something like AIO

06-10-2005, 09:04 AM
Yeah, when you get paint transfer from claying it`s from either a) claying too aggressively or b) the clay removing oxidized, "dead", paint. Not all that unusual since red ss tends to oxidize/fade badly unless you *really* keep up with its maintenance.

It`s normal to get paint transfer when polishing single stage, no biggie. It`s the same principle as when polishing clear, only you don`t *see* the clear coming off. But again, keep it waxed/sealed, it needs all the protection it can get.

Just treat ss the same as b/c. Use mild products to start as ss is generally softer than b/c (except for white ss, which is about as hard as paint gets).

06-10-2005, 01:21 PM
yeah, red SS is a PITA to keep alive. You must take very good care of it because of its tendency to oxidize quickly.